
Book - The UFO Enigma


"The UFO Enigma" by Peter A. Sturrock delves into the perplexing world of unidentified flying objects, separating fact from fiction. While many UFO sightings can be attributed to errors or hoaxes, a significant percentage remains shrouded in mystery, resisting rational explanations. Sturrock meticulously investigates well-documented and corroborated cases that defy conventional understanding, offering readers a compelling exploration of the unexplained phenomena that continue to captivate the human imagination. This study challenges the boundaries of what we know, inviting readers to contemplate the enigma of UFOs and the questions they pose to our understanding of the universe.

Author : Peter A. Sturrock
ISBN 10 : 0446677094
ISBN 13 : 9780446677097
Numbers of pages : 416
Publisher : Aspect
Publication date : 01th September 2000

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