
Military chased UFO in Mississippi

Military chased UFO in Mississippi

On April 11, 2022, someone witnessed a scene he won't soon forget. While in Saucier, Mississippi, he saw military helicopters chasing two UFOs...

The following story was published on the NUFORC website:

I walked outside at 12:01 AM and I saw two cross objects coming from the southeast heading Northwest. the object speed was about the same as the helicopters.the lights no the objects where lime green red and violet. as i observe the object it started to be obscured by trees the helicopters were still chasing the objects when the moved out of sight. the next day multiple military helicopters were flying around the area and hovering.

Légende - Photo
12019, Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/photos/natchez-mississippi-river-riverboat-1624414/


UFO filmed over lake in Taiwan

On December 12, 2021, ufologist Scott C. Waring spotted a UFO flying over Liyu Lake, located in Hualien County, in the south of the island of Taiwan.

These images show us a white and luminous UFO which moves at high speed in the sky before disappearing.

The ufologist explains:

Hey I was watching the live cam of Hualien Lake which is in south of Taiwan, when I noticed a white tictac UFO shooting overhead. It wasn't a bird because it wasn't flapping wings. It wasn't a drone, it was too big and moving too fast. This object was easy to see on the cam since it had the green trees along the hillside behind it. The lake area was cloudy and rainy at that time with some very unusual large clouds at the center of the video. These two large clouds do look like they may be cloaked UFOs. The shapes are very odd. UFOs are all around us, we just have to put in a little effort to catch them. Aliens in Taiwan...yeah I knew that already.

Légende - Photo
Scott C. Waring, Copyright, https://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2021/12/tictac-over-hualien-liyu-lake-taiwan.html