
The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone

The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone

The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone is an enigmatic basalt boulder located in New Mexico, USA. It bears an inscription in a proto-Hebrew alphabet, likely dating back to the first millennium BCE. This inscription appears to contain an abbreviated version of the Ten Commandments from the biblical tradition. Its exact origin and significance remain widely debated among archaeologists and scholars, sparking various theories and speculations regarding its context and provenance.

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Liftarn, Public domain, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_du_d%C3%A9calogue_de_Los_Lunas#/media/Fichier:10_Commandment_Rock.jpg

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UFOs Filmed in Southern Russia

UFOs Filmed in Southern Russia

On April 6, 2024, a motorist filmed several unidentified flying objects above the city of Tyumen, in southern Russia. These two bright UFOs were moving very quickly across the cloudy sky.

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UFOs in Military Formation Spotted Near International Space Station

A fleet of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in military formation was filmed near the International Space Station (ISS). Scott C. Waring, a well-known ufologist, reports having observed this incredible sighting from videos streamed by NASA.

The date of the observation is set on May 6, 2022, and the location, nothing less than space itself. According to Waring, he spotted a fleet of approximately 31 flying discs traversing the live camera's field of view from the space station. The researcher, always on the lookout for evidence of extraterrestrial presence, took screenshots of this observation to scrutinize them closely.

Waring asserts that the captured images provide "100% proof" that extraterrestrials occupy Earth's orbit and move in massive groups. He insists that the images have undergone no retouching and urges skeptics to check the video link provided by NASA to confirm the authenticity of the observation.

The researcher also highlights the astonishing synchronization and apparent military formation of the UFOs, suggesting that they could be en route to confront a potential extraterrestrial threat. This theory, while speculative, fuels debates about the nature of extraterrestrial civilizations and their possible involvement in Earthly affairs.

The observation reported by Waring inevitably raises questions about the transparency of NASA and space agencies regarding unexplained phenomena observed in space. Some critics suggest that governments deliberately withhold information about aliens from the public, while others insist on the need for rigorous scientific investigation before drawing hasty conclusions.

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Scott C. Waring, Copyright, https://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2022/05/ufo-fleet-passes-space-station-may-6.html


February 28, 1993 - The End of the Waco Siege

February 28, 1993 - The End of the Waco Siege

The Waco siege was a blockade that took place from February 28 to April 19, 1993, at the residence of the sect known as the "Branch Davidians" in Elk, near Waco, Texas, United States. The siege resulted in the deaths of 86 individuals: four government agents and 82 Branch Davidian members, including 25 children and the group's leader, David Koresh, primarily in the fire that ended the 51-day siege by law enforcement forces.

Historical Context

The Waco siege stems from growing tensions between federal authorities in the United States and members of the Branch Davidians, a religious sect that had established itself at Mount Carmel near Waco, Texas. Founded in the 1950s by Victor Houteff, the sect was reorganized and renamed under the leadership of David Koresh in the 1980s. Koresh, born Vernon Wayne Howell, emerged as the prophet and charismatic leader of the group.

The Branch Davidians

The Branch Davidians believed in an apocalyptic interpretation of the Bible, with Koresh proclaiming himself to be the Lamb of God. The group lived communally, practicing an austere lifestyle and actively preparing for a final conflict with the forces of evil, as prophesied in their interpretation of the Book of Revelation.

The Waco Siege

On February 28, 1993, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) launched an operation to raid the Mount Carmel complex, suspecting the presence of illegal weapons. However, the operation turned into a disaster when gunfire broke out between the agents and the sect members, resulting in the deaths of four ATF agents and six Branch Davidians.

Following this confrontation, the FBI took control of the situation, and a 51-day siege began. Negotiations with Koresh and other sect members were conducted, but without success. On April 19, 1993, after a series of dramatic developments, including a fire that engulfed the compound, the final assault was launched.

Conclusion of the Siege

On that day, FBI agents initiated an assault on the Mount Carmel complex. Tear gas was introduced into the building in an attempt to force the members out. However, a fire quickly broke out, spreading through the buildings. In the hours that followed, the compound was completely engulfed in flames.

The final FBI assault and the resulting fire led to a tragedy, with the deaths of 76 Branch Davidian members, including David Koresh. Among the victims were women and children.

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EncMstr, Public domain, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siege#/media/File:Branch_Davidian_Compound_in_Flames.jpg


UFO Sighting in Pratt, Kansas, USA

UFO Sighting in Pratt, Kansas, USA

The sighting of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the vicinity of Pratt, Kansas, United States, on February 29, 2024, was reported on the website of the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

The witnesses, two military employees, reported observing a stationary object in the sky for at least 12 minutes. No noise was detected, and the object remained motionless until it finally began to move away slowly before swiftly disappearing towards the west in the night sky.


The described observation presents several intriguing characteristics. The triangular shape of the object, as well as its estimated size, indicate significant physical presence. Additionally, the duration of the observation, spanning 15 minutes, allowed the witnesses an extended view of the object.

The black color of the object, combined with its prolonged lack of movement and sound, evokes features often associated with UFO sightings. Furthermore, the suddenness with which the object departed the area, moving westward at high speed, is consistent with many previous reports of UFO sightings.


The sighting of a UFO in Pratt, Kansas, on February 29, 2024, raises fascinating questions about the nature of unidentified aerial phenomena. While the witnesses were unable to provide a definitive explanation for the observed object, their meticulous account provides valuable data for researchers and investigators studying unexplained aerial phenomena.

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Ichabod, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt,_Kansas#/media/File:Pratt_presbyterian_church_kansas_2009.jpg
Kolob: The Mysterious Planet of the Mormons

Kolob: The Mysterious Planet of the Mormons

Kolob is a central theological concept in the cosmology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly known as the Mormon Church). This term is mentioned in the church's canonical book, the Book of Abraham, as well as in other writings and teachings of its leaders. Kolob is often associated with ideas about creation, time, and eternity, and its significance is discussed and interpreted by members of the church.

Origin and References

The first mention of Kolob is found in the Book of Abraham, which is part of the Latter-day Saint canon. The Book of Abraham is a translation by Joseph Smith, the church's founder, of an ancient Egyptian text that he claimed to have received through divine revelation. In this text, Kolob is presented as a star or celestial body around which other worlds or stars revolve, and it is described as being near to God's throne.

In the Book of Abraham, Kolob is described as being "nearest unto the throne" of God, signifying that it is the greatest and most important of all the heavenly bodies created by God. Its proximity to God's throne makes it a symbol of divine power and governance over the universe.

Interpretations and Meanings

Latter-day Saints generally interpret Kolob as a symbol of cosmic order and the relationship between God and his creation. Some teachings of the church suggest that Kolob represents a place where time is measured differently from human perception, and that this has theological implications for the nature of eternity and divine existence.

In Mormon theology, the idea that God resides near Kolob is often interpreted as an affirmation of his sovereignty and closeness to his children on Earth. Kolob is sometimes depicted as a place where time has no effect on God, and where his power and authority are eternal and immutable.

Some members of the church also interpret Kolob as a symbol of spiritual progression and development. According to this interpretation, individuals aspire to attain a state similar to that of Kolob by progressing spiritually and drawing closer to God.

Reception and Criticisms

The notion of Kolob has elicited various reactions among members of the church and from outside observers. Some see Kolob as a powerful metaphor for the greatness and majesty of God, while others view it as an obscure and difficult-to-understand idea.

Critics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have often pointed to Mormon cosmology, including the concept of Kolob, as fantastical or scientifically implausible. However, members of the church generally see these criticisms as stemming from misunderstanding or lack of faith.


Kolob occupies an important place in the theology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a symbol of cosmic order, divine power, and the relationship between God and his creation. While its exact meaning may vary according to individual interpretations, Kolob continues to inspire reflection and discussion among members of the church and beyond

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Remember the dot, Public domain, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolob#/media/File:Abraham_Facsimile_2.png

An Invisible Man Photographed on Google Maps?

An unusual photo was taken in May 2022 in Brooklyn, New York City, and published on Google Maps. Shared by Scott C. Waring on his blog, the image depicts an invisible silhouette seemingly defying conventional laws of physics and biology.

Scott C. Waring, known for his explorations in the realms of the unexplained and ufology, stumbled upon this particular image while browsing Google Maps. The location of the discovery is in Brooklyn, New York, United States.

The image in question portrays a humanoid figure apparently devoid of hands, feet, or a head. The figure appears to be in motion. It was photographed on a busy street in broad daylight. After a while, this mysterious silhouette transforms into a white bird.

Waring's commentary on the image invites speculation and raises questions about its nature. He highlights the seemingly impossible aspects of the image, such as the absence of crucial body parts and the sudden transformation into a bird. One interpretation suggested by a commentator proposes the involvement of a green screen, a technology commonly used in film and television production. However, the feasibility of using such equipment in a bustling urban environment like New York raises doubts about this theory.

Waring himself acknowledges the overwhelming evidence seemingly pointing to a paranormal or extraterrestrial explanation. He puts forward various hypotheses, including the possibility of digital manipulation by a talented artist, involvement of advanced hacking techniques, or even the presence of a magician capable of feats beyond human understanding.

The discovery of this anomalous image on Google Maps in Brooklyn, New York, speaks to the enduring allure of the unexplained and mysterious. While skeptics may attribute the image to mundane explanations or technological glitches, enthusiasts like Scott C. Waring continue to ponder the tantalizing possibility of encounters with the extraordinary. As discussions and investigations continue, the true nature of this enigmatic image remains shrouded in uncertainty...

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Scott C. Waring, Copyright, https://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2022/05/invisible-man-or-prankster-in-new-york.html



Ultra-Fast UFO Spotted in France

Ultra-Fast UFO Spotted in France

An aircraft tracking application spotted an incredible unidentified flying object. This UFO was flying over France at a dizzying speed estimated at 17,000 km/h! To date, there is no tangible explanation for this anomaly...

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UFO Sighting Report in Davenport, WA, USA

UFO Sighting Report in Davenport, WA, USA

On March 3, 2024, at 8:55 PM local time, in the town of Davenport, located in the state of Washington, USA, an enigmatic event was reported by two witnesses. This testimony was recorded and broadcasted on the website of the NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center), a center for reporting sightings of unidentified flying objects.

The witnesses describe observing a triangular-shaped craft moving in an unusual and fast manner. As they walked out their back door to take the dog out, they noticed a craft with three white lights arranged in a triangle shape and a large orange/red light in the center, moving over the hills in every direction tightly and incredibly fast. The object then dove out of sight behind the hill. The witnesses specify that they are located on a hillside opposite to where the object was seen. They also note that their area is usually frequented by both commercial and military planes due to the proximity of the airport and Air Force base, but this event was unlike anything they had seen before. Although this is their first official report, they mention that it is not the first time they have observed a similar phenomenon in the area.


This event, though brief, presents intriguing and mysterious characteristics that raise questions about the nature of the observed object. Although the witnesses could not provide a precise estimation of the size and speed of the object, their detailed description of its unusual movements and distinctive lights suggests a phenomenon difficult to explain by conventional means. This incident remains open to interpretation and investigation, leaving room for curiosity and speculation about the possibility of encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena.

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Artix Kreiger 2, CC BY 2.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davenport,_Washington#/media/File:Grain_elevators,_Davenport_(36248378303).jpg
Similarities Between Attis and Jesus Christ

Similarities Between Attis and Jesus Christ

Attis and Jesus Christ are two important religious figures whose stories share striking similarities. Though their respective religions are distinct, the parallels between their narratives and symbolic meanings have fascinated scholars and theologians for centuries. This article explores the most notable resemblances between Attis and Jesus, highlighting the points of convergence and divergence within their traditions.

Nacimiento e Infancia

Tanto Atis como Jesús experimentan nacimientos milagrosos. Atis nace de una roca o un árbol, mientras que Jesús nace de una virgen por obra del Espíritu Santo. Ambas figuras son posteriormente vistas como encarnaciones de lo divino.

Muerte y Resurrección

Uno de los paralelismos más llamativos radica en las muertes y resurrecciones de Atis y Jesús. Atis muere castrado por un jabalí o un león, simbolizando la muerte de la vegetación en invierno. Luego resucita tres días después, representando la renovación primaveral. De manera similar, Jesús muere crucificado, y luego resucita al tercer día después de su muerte, significando la victoria sobre la muerte y el pecado.

Símbolos y Significados

Atis se asocia a menudo con el pino, un árbol de hoja perenne que simboliza la vida eterna. Jesús también está vinculado a los árboles, a menudo representado en una cruz de madera. Además, el león, símbolo de fuerza y resurrección, está asociado con Atis, mientras que el cordero, símbolo de pureza y sacrificio, está asociado con Jesús.

Mitos y Rituales

Los cultos de Atis y Jesús involucraban rituales y mitos similares. El sacrificio ritual de un toro era central en el culto de Atis, simbolizando la muerte y el renacimiento del dios. En el cristianismo, el sacrificio de Jesús en la cruz se considera el sacrificio máximo por la humanidad.

Diferencias y Divergencias

A pesar de las notables semejanzas, existen diferencias significativas entre Atis y Jesús. Atis era una deidad pagana relacionada con la naturaleza y los ciclos estacionales, mientras que Jesús es considerado el Hijo de Dios en la religión monoteísta del cristianismo. Además, los rituales del culto de Atis a menudo eran extáticos y orgiásticos, mientras que las prácticas cristianas enfatizan la oración, la meditación y la caridad.


Las similitudes entre Atis y Jesucristo destacan los temas universales de muerte y resurrección, sacrificio y renovación, presentes en muchas religiones. Si bien los contextos y los significados religiosos difieren, los paralelismos entre estas dos figuras continúan intrigando e inspirando a creyentes y eruditos a lo largo de los siglos.

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Pexels, Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/photos/angel-art-religion-religious-1841177/


Discovery of a Extraterrestrial Structure at the Bottom of the Ocean

The discovery of a strange structure at the bottom of the ocean, reported by ufologist Scott C. Waring, has captured public attention and sparked passionate debates within ufological circles. Dated May 1, 2022, this discovery took place approximately 100 miles off the coast of Spain, in a region precisely located at 43.18699223 degrees latitude north and -10.94155348 degrees longitude west.

According to Scott C. Waring's observations, the extraterrestrial structure in question measures nearly 14 kilometers long, approximately 9 miles, and has an estimated height between 300 and 500 meters. This impressive-sized structure leaves behind a distinctive trail on the seabed, stretching for hundreds of miles. This trail suggests that the object has been in motion for a considerable period, leading Waring to speculate that it could have been submerged for several millennia.

The observation of this structure raises numerous questions about its nature and origin. Waring noted that Google, through its online mapping service, appears to have deliberately blurred much of the seabed, leaving only the Internet version of Google Maps to provide a clear view of the object. According to him, this deliberate blurring action seems to conceal the true extent of extraterrestrial presence on our planet, suggesting a deliberate attempt to keep the public in the dark about the existence of aliens.

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Google Earth, Copyright, https://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2022/05/alien-base-found-near-spain-google.html
Book - UFOs: The Most Compelling Evidence For The Existence Of UFOs

Book - UFOs: The Most Compelling Evidence For The Existence Of UFOs


"UFOs: The Most Compelling Evidence For The Existence Of UFOs" by Tom King explores the enigmatic world of unidentified flying objects, delving into the most notorious sightings, encounters, and abductions throughout history. King acknowledges the divisive nature of UFO discourse, with believers, skeptics, and those unsure of where they stand. He emphasizes that while strange phenomena occur in the skies, not all unidentified flying objects necessarily indicate extraterrestrial life; rather, they are simply unexplained by conventional means.

The book presents around twenty chapters dedicated to some of the most infamous UFO incidents, ranging from spine-chilling encounters to mere publicity stunts. King acknowledges the difficulty in pinpointing the first-ever UFO sighting, recognizing humanity's longstanding curiosity about celestial phenomena. He notes that throughout history, people often attributed such sightings to religious intervention due to simpler times and limited scientific understanding.

King hopes that the book will provide insight into the world's most renowned UFO sightings and facilitate understanding of interstellar encounters. However, he acknowledges the challenges of verifying accounts, as many are plagued by inconsistencies. Through diligent research, the book aims to present the most credible events while distinguishing between factual information and the author's opinions. Overall, "UFOs: The Most Compelling Evidence For The Existence Of UFOs" offers readers a comprehensive exploration of UFO phenomena, inviting them to draw their own conclusions.

UFOs: The Most Compelling Evidence For The Existence Of UFOs

Author : Tom King
ISBN 10 : 1975972449
ISBN 13 : 9781975972448
Numbers of pages : 62
Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Publication date : October 12, 2017

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Ala Kachuu - forced marriage in Kyrgyzstan

Ala Kachuu - forced marriage in Kyrgyzstan

Ala Kachuu, also spelled ala kachuu or alaqachuu, is a controversial and harmful cultural practice prevalent in certain regions of Central Asia, notably in Kyrgyzstan. This practice, also known as "bride kidnapping," involves the abduction of a woman or girl by a man or group of men with the intention of forcing her into marriage. The term "Ala Kachuu" translates literally to "take and run" in Kyrgyz.


The precise origin of Ala Kachuu is subject to debate, but it is widely acknowledged as a practice rooted in patriarchal traditions and social norms within certain communities of Central Asia. This practice has persisted for centuries despite efforts by various groups to combat it.


In typical cases of Ala Kachuu, the perpetrators often target unmarried women or girls, though instances of married women being abducted have also been reported. Motivations for these abductions vary but often include reasons such as a desire to circumvent costly or complicated official marriage procedures, as well as economic and social factors.

Following the abduction, the victim is often isolated from her family and friends and is frequently subjected to physical and psychological pressure to accept the marriage. In many cases, the victim is also raped as part of the abduction and captivity process.


Ala Kachuu has devastating consequences for its victims, both physically and psychologically. Women who are kidnapped in this manner often face severe trauma, including mental health issues such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Additionally, these forced marriages can lead to abusive relationships and early marriages, thereby compromising the rights and well-being of women and girls.


Despite international recognition of Ala Kachuu as a violation of fundamental human rights, the practice persists in some regions of Central Asia due to complex socio-cultural factors and inadequate protection and prevention measures. However, there are ongoing efforts, both locally and internationally, to raise awareness about this issue, to strengthen laws against kidnapping for marriage, and to support victims.

Non-governmental organizations, women's rights activists, and other stakeholders are working to raise awareness about the dangers of Ala Kachuu, provide support to victims, and advocate for legislative and social changes to eliminate this harmful practice.


Ala Kachuu is a devastating cultural practice that persists in certain regions of Central Asia despite efforts to combat it. As a violation of fundamental human rights, it requires urgent and coordinated responses from governments, international organizations, NGOs, and civil society to protect women and girls from this form of violence and to promote gender equality and human rights.

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Perchance, CC0, https://perchance.org/

Tartini's sonata: a work inspired by Satan

The Devil's Trill Sonata, also known as "Sonata in G minor for Violin, Op. 1, No. 4, B.G5", is a remarkable composition by the renowned Italian composer and violinist Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770). This iconic piece, considered one of the most demanding in the violin repertoire, has gained worldwide renown not only for its technical complexity but also for the fascinating story that surrounds it.

The Devil's Trill Sonata was composed by Tartini in the early 18th century, likely between 1713 and 1714. This solo violin sonata consists of four movements: Larghetto affettuoso, Allegro moderato, Andante, and Presto, each demanding exceptional virtuosity from the violinist.

What particularly distinguishes this sonata are the rapid and intricate trill passages that unfold throughout the work, hence its evocative nickname. These trills, requiring great dexterity and extreme precision, pose a formidable challenge for performers, contributing to the reputation of the piece as a masterpiece of the violin repertoire.

The Legend of the Pact with the Devil

The legend surrounding the Devil's Trill Sonata adds a mystical dimension to this already remarkable work. According to tradition, Tartini had a dream in which he made a pact with the devil, asking him to teach him the violin. In this dream, the devil played music of transcendent beauty, from which Tartini awoke deeply inspired yet also frustrated by his inability to reproduce those divine sounds.

To express his frustration and fascination, Tartini purportedly composed the Devil's Trill Sonata, attempting to capture even a fraction of the music he had heard in his dream. The sonata is thus interpreted as a representation of Tartini's trials and torments in his quest for musical perfection, reflecting both the fascination and anguish of his dream experience.

In a legendary anecdote, the musician told the astronomer Jérôme Lalande about the genesis of this incredible sonata:

"One night, in the year 1713 I dreamed I had made a pact with the devil for my soul. Everything went as I wished: my new servant anticipated my every desire. Among other things, I gave him my violin to see if he could play. How great was my astonishment on hearing a sonata so wonderful and so beautiful, played with such great art and intelligence, as I had never even conceived in my boldest flights of fantasy. I felt enraptured, transported, enchanted: my breath failed me, and I awoke. I immediately grasped my violin in order to retain, in part at least, the impression of my dream. In vain! The music which I at this time composed is indeed the best that I ever wrote, and I still call it the "Devil's Trill", but the difference between it and that which so moved me is so great that I would have destroyed my instrument and have said farewell to music forever if it had been possible for me to live without the enjoyment it affords me."

Cultural Impact and Legacy

The Devil's Trill Sonata has become one of the most iconic pieces in the violin repertoire, performed and studied by generations of violinists worldwide. Its influence extends far beyond the world of classical music, inspiring adaptations, tributes, and references in various artistic media.

This work embodies not only the technical virtuosity and emotional expression characteristic of baroque music but also the power of myth and legend in artistic creation. The fascination with the tale of the pact with the devil has helped keep Tartini's memory and music alive, adding a layer of mystery and mysticism to his already impressive musical legacy.

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Андрей Романенко, Public domain, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violin_Sonata_in_G_minor_(Tartini)#/media/File:Le_Songe_de_Tartini_par_Louis-L%C3%A9opold_Boilly_1824_(color).jpg
A ghost photographed at Gilson Cemetery

A ghost photographed at Gilson Cemetery

A ghost has been discovered on Google Maps appearing to wander through a cemetery located in New Hampshire, on the East Coast of the United States...

Amy Pendleton posted a video on TikTok showing us a mysterious and ghostly figure concealed behind a stone wall. This ghost is located in Gilson Cemetery in Nashua, a city in Hillsborough County.

The figure appears to be a middle-aged man. It is facing towards the camera.

Gilson Road Cemetery is one of the most haunted places in New Hampshire. Situated in an isolated area of Nashua, this cemetery holds the remains of several individuals who died under mysterious or tragic circumstances. Some stories suggest it served as a mass grave for murder victims or suicides. Others claim it's a site of paranormal activity, such as apparitions, voices, feelings of coldness, or unease.

Gilson Road Cemetery dates back to the 18th century and is named after the Gilson family, who owned the surrounding land. Among the graves is that of Betsey Gilson, who died in 1791 at the age of 22, and her son John, who died in 1794 at the age of 4. The cause of their deaths is unknown, but some believe they fell victim to illness or poisoning. Other members of the Gilson family are also buried in the cemetery, along with soldiers from the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.

Gilson Road Cemetery is reputed to be haunted by the spirits of these deceased individuals, who manifest themselves in various ways. Some visitors have reported seeing shadows, silhouettes, or faces in the cemetery, especially at night. Others have heard strange noises, such as crying, laughter, whispers, or screams. Some have even felt physical contact, such as caresses, pinches, or blows.

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TikTok / Google, Copyright, https://nypost.com/2024/01/01/lifestyle/ghost-spotted-haunting-historic-cemetery-on-google-street-view/


The Holodomor, the Ukrainian famine orchestrated by Stalin

The Holodomor, the Ukrainian famine orchestrated by Stalin

The genocide perpetrated by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in Ukraine between 1932 and 1933, also known as the Holodomor (from Ukrainian: Голодомор, literally "extermination by hunger"), remains one of the darkest chapters in Ukrainian and global history. This tragedy was characterized by an artificially induced famine orchestrated by the Soviet regime, resulting in the deaths of millions of people, primarily Ukrainians.

In the 1920s and 1930s, the USSR pursued a policy of forced collectivization of agriculture as part of its socio-economic transformation towards socialism. This policy aimed to eliminate private land ownership and collectivize agricultural production under state control. Ukraine, known as the "breadbasket of the Soviet Union," was particularly targeted due to its high grain production.

Outbreak of Famine

In 1932, Soviet authorities, led by Joseph Stalin, implemented brutal economic policies aimed at forcing Ukrainian peasants to join collective farms. These policies included the forced requisition of crops and livestock, as well as unattainable production quotas imposed on peasants. Farmers who resisted these measures were severely repressed, with their lands confiscated, and often deported or executed.

The Famine

As a result of these policies, a widespread famine broke out in Ukraine in 1932-1933. Peasants were deprived of their means of subsistence, unable to feed their families. Reports from the time document cases of cannibalism as desperate people sought to survive. Despite the rampant famine, Stalin and Soviet authorities refused to acknowledge the crisis, rejecting any international aid and prohibiting Ukrainians from leaving the region to find food elsewhere.

International Reaction

The international community, while aware of the suffering in Ukraine, largely remained silent in the face of the deliberate famine orchestrated by the USSR. Some countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom sent humanitarian aid, but it was often blocked by the Soviet government or insufficient to address the scale of the crisis.

Human Toll

The exact human toll of the Holodomor remains debated due to censorship and Soviet propaganda of the time. However, it is estimated that several million people perished in Ukraine during this period, making the Holodomor one of the largest genocides in history.

Recognition and Commemoration

Following the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, Ukraine as well as many other countries officially recognized the Holodomor as an act of genocide perpetrated by the Soviet regime. Memorials have been erected in Ukraine and around the world to commemorate the victims of this tragedy.


The Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 stands as a poignant testament to the horrors of totalitarianism and the devastating consequences of government policies on vulnerable populations. The Holodomor remains a crucial reminder of the need to uphold human rights and resist oppression wherever it manifests in the world.

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Pkravchenko, FAL, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor#/media/Fichier:Holomor_Art_Denysenko_1.jpg
Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon Reported Over Reedville

Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon Reported Over Reedville

On February 6th, 2024, a couple in Reedville, Virginia, reported witnessing an unexplained aerial phenomenon (UAP) to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC). The sighting occurred at approximately 6:45 PM local time and lasted for one to two minutes.

According to the witnesses, they were walking down Main Street when they noticed three red lights forming a triangle in the eastern sky. The sky was dark as it was past sunset and the moon had not yet risen. The witnesses described the area between the three red lights as being darker than the surrounding sky, suggesting they were emanating from a single object. They observed the object moving northward while rotating on its axis parallel to the ground. The triangular formation of the lights then shifted to a straight line, but the darkened area between them remained confined to the original triangular shape.

The size and distance of the object were difficult for the witnesses to determine, but they estimated it to be massive, appearing larger than a full moon in the sky. They reported no sound associated with the object. The object initially moved quickly but then slowed down to a near halt before accelerating again.

Shortly after observing the UAP, the witnesses noticed two jets approaching it at high speed. The familiar sound of the jets, identified as possibly A-10 models due to frequent sightings in the area, allowed the witnesses to estimate their altitude at around 1,000 to 2,000 feet. As the jets neared the UAP, it moved behind a stand of tall pines, obscuring the view from the witnesses. By the time they reached a clear vantage point, the UAP was gone, though the jets continued on their trajectories.

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Ser Amantio di Nicolao, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Reedville_Historic_District_(June_2010).JPG


Book - Communion

Book - Communion


The book opens with Strieber waking up in his cabin with no memory of the previous night. He experiences recurring nightmares and flashbacks, eventually seeking help from a hypnotherapist specializing in UFO abduction claims. Under hypnosis, Strieber recovers memories of being abducted by non-human entities aboard a spacecraft and subjected to physical examinations.

Strieber goes on to describe his belief that these abductions have been occurring throughout his life, and interprets them as a form of communication or experimentation by an alien intelligence.

Impact and Reception:

The book became a bestseller, sparking significant controversy and debate. While some readers were convinced by Strieber's sincerity and detailed descriptions, others dismissed the book as fictional or a product of psychological factors.

Communion remains a notable work within the UFO and alien abduction subgenres, influencing popular culture and continuing to generate discussions about the possibility of extraterrestrial contact.

It is important to note that the book presents Strieber's personal experiences and interpretations, and the events described have not been independently verified.

Communion: A True Story

Author : Whitley Strieber
ISBN 10 : 0285643541
ISBN 13 : 9780285643543
Numbers of pages : 336
Publisher : Souvenir Press Ltd
Publication date : October 10, 2016

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The planet Nibiru filmed near our Sun?

The planet Nibiru filmed near our Sun?

On March 22, 2022, ufologist Scott C. Waring published an article on his blog claiming the presence of a dark, spherical object near the Sun in images captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) on March 10th and 14th, 2022.

According to Waring, the object, spotted by Twitter user Bruce Fenton, is visible for only a few minutes in the SDO's LASCO C2 telescope photos. He claims it's a solid sphere spotted in two different locations near the Sun over a four-day period. Waring speculates it could be the mysterious Planet Nibiru (also called Planet X), fueling his theory with the idea that only an advanced alien spacecraft could be hidden so effectively from humanity.

However, more rational explanations exist. The SDO's images capture the Sun in various wavelengths, and artifacts caused by image processing or natural solar phenomena can sometimes appear as unidentified objects.

Légende - Photo
Scott C. Waring, Copyright, https://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2022/04/is-this-giant-sphere-nibiriu-sphere.html


Unidentified Flying Object Sighting in Charlotte, NC

Unidentified Flying Object Sighting in Charlotte, NC

On January 13, 2024, at 7:21 PM local time, a witness reported observing an unidentified flying object (UFO) to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC). The report was submitted approximately two hours earlier, at 5:31 PM Pacific Time.

According to the witness, the observation lasted about 30 seconds and occurred in Charlotte, North Carolina, specifically on I-485 Outer, between the Harrisburg Road exit and the Rocky River Road exit.

The object was described as triangular in shape, smaller than a Boeing 747 but larger than a light aircraft. The witness was traveling north/northwest when the object was spotted at an elevation angle of about 35 degrees and an estimated distance of a quarter mile. The object's speed was estimated to be between 45 and 75 miles per hour.

The report further details that the object had green lights arranged in a V-shape. The witness was driving westbound on I-485 Outer when they noticed several green lights in a row. They initially thought it was a stationary object, but then observed movement and a V formation. The object was traveling eastbound and crossed I-485 at a slow speed. Its size was estimated to be 300 or 400 feet high. All the lights were green and not excessively bright.

Légende - Photo
Precisionviews, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte,_North_Carolina#/media/File:Uptown_Charlotte_2018_taking_by_DJI_Phantom_4_pro.jpg


March1, 1555 - Publication of the first collection of Nostradamus

March1, 1555 - Publication of the first collection of Nostradamus

On March 1, 1555, in Salon-de-Provence, Michel de Notre-Dame, better known as Nostradamus, published his first collection of prophecies, entitled Prophéties de M. Michel Nostradamus, docteur en médecine. This collection, printed by Macé Bonhomme, groups together seven centuries, or 700 quatrains written in alexandrines.

From its publication, the work met with resounding success. Nostradamus' quatrains, obscure and enigmatic, fascinated the public and fueled all speculation. Nostradamus quickly became famous throughout Europe, and his fame never waned.

A controversial legacy

Nostradamus is considered one of the most famous prophets in history. His quatrains have been interpreted in many ways, and they have been attributed to the prediction of many historical events, from wars to natural disasters.

However, Nostradamus' work is also controversial. His prophecies are often vague and open to interpretation, which has led to many errors and abuses. Some critics even accuse him of being a charlatan.

A monument of French literature

Regardless of the veracity of his prophecies, Nostradamus' work remains a monument of French literature. His quatrains, imbued with a poetic and often macabre vision, constitute a fascinating reflection of the preoccupations of his time.

Légende - Photo
BlueBreezeWiki, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostradamus#/media/Fichier:140609-Salon-Nostradamus.jpg


Book - The Secret Destiny of America

Book - The Secret Destiny of America


The Secret Destiny of America is a book by Manly P. Hall, first published in 1944. The book is an exploration of the history, symbolism, and philosophy of the United States, and its place in the world.

Hall argues that the United States is a nation with a unique destiny, and that its founding fathers were guided by a divine plan. He traces the history of the United States from its founding to the present day, and identifies key events and figures that he believes have shaped the nation's destiny.

Hall also explores the symbolism of the United States, including the Great Seal, the flag, and the eagle. He argues that these symbols contain hidden meanings that reveal the true nature of the nation.

Finally, Hall discusses the philosophy of the United States, and its role in the world. He argues that the United States is a beacon of hope for the world, and that it has a special mission to spread freedom and democracy.

The Secret Destiny of America is a controversial book, and its claims have been challenged by historians and scholars. However, it remains an influential work, and it continues to be read by people who are interested in the history, symbolism, and philosophy of the United States.

Here are some of the key themes of the book:

  • The United States is a nation with a unique destiny.
  • The founding fathers of the United States were guided by a divine plan.
  • The history of the United States is a story of progress and enlightenment.
  • The United States is a beacon of hope for the world.
  • The United States has a special mission to spread freedom and democracy.

The Secret Destiny of America is a book that has been praised and criticized for its sweeping generalizations and its lack of historical rigor. However, it remains an important work in the canon of American literature, and it continues to be read by people who are interested in the history, symbolism, and philosophy of the United States.

The Secret Destiny of America

Author : Manly P. Hall
ISBN 10 : 1639233768
ISBN 13 : 9781639233762
Numbers of pages : 270
Publisher : Lushena Books
Publication date : April 25, 2022

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Man attacked by alien in Auburn, WA

Man attacked by alien in Auburn, WA

On January 17, 2024, a resident of Auburn, Washington, reported an unusual experience on the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) website. According to his testimony, he was allegedly touched by an invisible entity at his home.

The witness, who wishes to remain anonymous, states that the incident occurred on January 17 at 11:33 PM local time (8:33 PM PST). He was in his apartment and moving around his bedroom when he felt a physical presence behind him, at the level of his buttocks. He specifies that this was not the first time such a situation had occurred.

According to his testimony, this entity would also communicate with him telepathically, claiming that the mind exists in an alternate reality to ours and that this is where these beings come from. He adds that the entity frequently tries to force him into sexual acts and has previously physically and sexually assaulted him.

The witness also claims to have had telepathic communications with other entities, who are more benevolent and less aggressive, who would speak English and transmit concrete messages about other people to him. He says he wants to file a police report to document his experiences.

He is convinced of the reality of these entities and claims that they come into contact with ordinary people every day. He even says he has an audio recording on Google Drive where one of them can be heard saying hello to him, while he was home alone.

Reactions and Context

The Auburn resident's story has sparked mixed reactions online. Some netizens were skeptical, while others shared similar experiences. It is important to note that NUFORC does not endorse the accounts submitted on its website and only documents them.

The experience reported by the Auburn witness is part of a larger context of accounts of alien abductions and contacts with unidentified entities. These stories, although often controversial, are the subject of ongoing research and study by various organizations and independent researchers.

It is important to emphasize that the testimony presented here does not constitute proof of the existence of extraterrestrial entities or paranormal phenomena. It is simply an individual account that deserves to be reported in the interest of objectivity and open-mindedness.

Légende - Photo
pavloonline2012, Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/illustrations/ai-generated-couple-aliens-retro-8577336/
Silent UFO Sighted in San Jose, California

Silent UFO Sighted in San Jose, California

On February 1st, 2024, a report of an unidentified flying object (UFO) sighting was filed on the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) website. The witness, who remained anonymous, claims to have observed the object at around 4:50 PM local time on January 28th, 2024, in San Jose, California.

The main witness claims to have spotted a black object at an altitude of approximately 2,000 to 4,000 feet and called other people to witness what he described as "something never seen before." The object, described as black, rotating, and changing shape, reportedly headed south before stopping and ascending to high altitude. It then hovered for several minutes, changed direction to the northeast, hovered again, and finally disappeared to the northwest, gaining altitude.

The witness specifies that the object made no noise and left no trace of smoke or emissions. The sky was clear with some partly cloudy areas. The observation lasted about 20 minutes, and the witness assumes that the object was not visible on radar because a passenger plane passed by it during one of the times it was hovering.


It is impossible to determine the nature of the object observed based on this single testimony. NUFORC encourages witnesses to provide as much detail as possible, including sketches, photos, or videos. The reports are then analyzed by volunteer experts who try to explain them by known natural phenomena before classifying them as "unidentified."

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Urban~commonswiki, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Jos%C3%A9_(Californie)#/media/Fichier:San_Jose_Basilica.jpg


Camper spots blue UFO in England

Camper spots blue UFO in England

In the night of January 3, 2024, a single witness reported an unexplained observation near Allerton, England, in the United Kingdom region. The event was recorded and shared on the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) website.

According to the report, this extraordinary observation occurred on the fifth day of a camping trip to Allerton, located approximately 1.5 miles north of Bradford. Around 1 a.m., the witness woke up and stepped outside of their tent, where they immediately noticed a large ice blue and white light in the sky, positioned to the north of their location. This light shone for approximately eight minutes before suddenly disappearing into the sky.

Unfortunately, the witness found their cell phone to be drained of battery, preventing them from capturing images of the event. However, they continued to carefully observe the sky. After a minute or two, two smaller lights, also ice blue and white in color, appeared and quickly flew away from the location where the initial light had been positioned. The witness described this encounter as mesmerizing and truly beautiful.

This observation naturally raises questions and speculations regarding the nature of these strange lights in the night sky above Allerton. The details provided in the NUFORC report allow researchers and enthusiasts of unidentified aerial phenomena to continue investigating and studying these mysterious events.

At this stage, no definitive explanation has been put forward to account for the presence of these lights, and the incident remains classified as an unidentified flying object (UFO) until further information is available to shed light on this celestial puzzle.

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Enoch111, Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/illustrations/ai-generated-tent-camp-camping-8541380/


A Bright UFO Captured by the International Space Station

On January 28, 2024, an unidentified flying object (UFO) was captured by a camera installed on the International Space Station. The UFO briefly appeared in front of the lens before disappearing without a trace ...

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February5, 1597 - 26 Christians are crucified in Japan

February5, 1597 - 26 Christians are crucified in Japan

The 26 Martyrs of Japan refer to a group of Catholic Christians executed during the 17th century in Japan, a period marked by religious persecutions. Canonized by the Catholic Church in 1862, these martyrs are often commemorated for their unwavering faith in the face of oppression.

In the early 17th century, the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan implemented an isolationist policy, banning Christianity due to concerns about foreign influence. Missionaries and Christians faced persecution, leading to a series of tragic events, including the execution of the 26 martyrs.

The 26 Martyrs

This diverse group included clergy, laypeople, Japanese, and foreigners. Among them were Franciscans, Jesuits, and lay members. They were arrested in 1596, accused of refusing to renounce their Christian faith despite government pressure.

Their Execution

On February 5, 1597, the 26 martyrs were crucified in Nagasaki. Their deaths were slow and painful, symbolizing their steadfast commitment to their beliefs. The event marked a turning point in Japan's relationship with Christianity, reinforcing the crackdown on the religion.

Canonization and Legacy

In 1862, Pope Pius IX canonized the 26 Martyrs of Japan, recognizing them as saints and martyrs of the Catholic Church. Their memory is celebrated annually on February 5. Their sacrifice is often seen as an example of perseverance in the face of adversity and has inspired believers throughout the centuries.

Impact on Religious Tolerance in Japan

While Christianity faced persecution in Japan for centuries, the late 19th century marked the beginning of a period of religious tolerance. Today, the 26 Martyrs of Japan are commemorated as symbols of religious resistance and courage in Japanese history.

Légende - Photo
Artanisen, Public domain, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vingt-six_martyrs_du_Japon#/media/Fichier:M%C3%A4rtyrer_von_Nagasaki_1628.jpg


A huge UFO observed by a soldier in Maine

A huge UFO observed by a soldier in Maine

On December 1, 2023, at 10:25 a.m. local time, an unexplained event caught the attention of a lone witness, identified as military, in the town of Albion, Maine, United States. The phenomenon was reported as early as 8:28 a.m. Pacific time. The exact nature of this UFO remains unknown...

The event took place in a wooded area in Albion, surrounded by a few houses. The observer reported the presence of an unidentified flying object, whose shape remains unknown but displayed colors of gray, white, blue, and other lights. Its estimated size was 2 to 3 times that of a school bus.

The object was viewed from the ground, with an elevation angle of 45 degrees. The observer was entering a shed when they spotted the object. The estimated closest distance was about 200 meters, initially moving at a speed of 50 mph and then accelerating significantly. The event was marked by several peculiar characteristics, such as lights on the object, an aura or haze around it, a change in color, electrical or magnetic effects, perceived missing time, and unusual animal reactions.

The observer described the object as employing some form of cloaking technology, using surrounding colors to shield its appearance. A metallic taste was reported, accompanied by a tingling sensation in the stomach. No audible sound was detected by the observer, although birds and animals in the vicinity fell silent for about a minute before and after the object passed.

The observation remains unexplained, leading the observer to express a belief in the existence of a presence beyond our current understanding.

Légende - Photo
Google Maps, Copyright, https://maps.google.com/


Book - Antichrist and Apocalypse

Book - Antichrist and Apocalypse


"Antichrist and Apocalypse" by Taylor Marshall is a compelling exploration of eschatological themes centered around the Antichrist and the Apocalypse as elucidated in the Book of Revelation. Dr. Marshall, a best-selling author and professor, delves into the teachings of early Christians who, following the Twelve Apostles, extensively discussed the imminent arrival of the Antichrist preceding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

In this enlightening work, Dr. Marshall presents a comprehensible compilation of insights from Church Fathers, Saints, and Mystics, unveiling the end-time prophecies embedded in the Book of Revelation, originally titled The Apocalypse. The narrative delves into the significance of the term 'Apocalypse' as employed by Christ and elucidates ten prophecies concerning the future Antichrist.

Readers will be captivated by the exploration of the meaning behind the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven plagues, gaining a profound understanding of the true essence of Armageddon. The connection between the Mark of the Beast and the Old Testament prophecies, specifically the significance of 666, is meticulously examined.

Dr. Marshall also reveals the identities of the Harlot of Babylon and the Beast, unraveling the symbolic layers within the text. Contrary to popular perceptions of doom, the author argues that the Book of Revelation/Apocalypse is, in fact, the most hopeful book in the Bible.

With a blend of scholarly expertise and accessible prose, "Antichrist and Apocalypse" invites readers on a journey through the intricacies of biblical prophecy, offering profound insights into the mysteries of the end times.

Author : Taylor Marshall
ISBN 10 : 099965862X
ISBN 13 : 9780999658628
Numbers of pages : 317
Publisher : St. John's Press
Publication date : August 29, 2022

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A camera on the International Space Station filmed an UFO

A camera on the International Space Station filmed an UFO

On January 24, 2024, a camera installed on the International Space Station captured highly detailed images of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the shape of a cigar. The mysterious elongated UFO was filmed for several seconds.

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Mysterious Triangle UFO spotted in Valley Stream, NY

Mysterious Triangle UFO spotted in Valley Stream, NY

On the evening of November 29, 2023, at approximately 5:20 PM local time, a lone motorist had an extraordinary encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO) while driving through Valley Stream, New York, USA. The incident, reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), has sparked intrigue and speculation within the community.

The witness, who submitted the report on November 30, 2023, at 11:07 AM Pacific time, described the sighting as an aircraft with unusual lights, displaying a distinctive triangular shape adorned with five circular lights on its underside. The witness was driving their car northwards at a speed of approximately 20 miles per hour when they first noticed a bright light that seemed to be hovering in the sky.

As the witness continued their journey, the mysterious object drew closer, revealing intricate details that defied conventional aircraft configurations. The triangular UFO boasted a unique arrangement of lights – one at the apex of the triangle, two towards the center, and three at the bottom. The witness noted that this formation was unlike anything they had ever seen before, ruling out any conventional planes or known military aircraft.

The witness likened the appearance of the triangular craft to that of a stealth warplane but larger in scale. The UFO's slow movement captured the witness's attention, creating an eerie atmosphere, only to be disrupted by a sudden and astonishing burst of acceleration. The unidentified aircraft swiftly traversed the sky over the witness's location, heading west.

Attempting to comprehend the unusual sighting, the witness slowed down their vehicle and attempted to regain visual contact with the enigmatic object. However, their efforts proved futile, as the UFO vanished from sight, leaving behind an air of mystery and bewilderment.

The report, filed with NUFORC on November 30, 2023, at 11:07 AM Pacific time, has since garnered attention from the UFO community and enthusiasts. The sighting raises questions about the nature of the unidentified triangular craft and the technology behind its remarkable acceleration.

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Sphinxcat, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valley_Stream,_New_York#/media/File:ValleyStreamCentralHighSchool.jpg


A very fast UFO filmed on June 18, 2020

A very fast UFO filmed on June 18, 2020

On June 8, 2020, at 9:27 PM, a black UFO was filmed by a surveillance camera above a business. The unidentified object remained stationary for a few moments before rapidly departing. The location of this video is unknown.

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A UFO approached the ISS in April 2022

On April 18, 2022, an unexplained observation was reported from the International Space Station (ISS). Scott C. Waring, a prominent researcher and author, shares his analysis of a strange celestial presence captured by NASA's live cameras.

The observed phenomenon raises questions about the nature of the space object in question. Scott C. Waring immediately rules out the possibility of it being the SpaceX capsule, emphasizing that its movement during an extravehicular activity could compromise the safety of astronauts. Furthermore, he dismisses the possibility of it being the moon, having monitored this camera for over 15 years and spotted the moon many times, asserting that the object is distinctly smaller.

Waring suggests that the space object has the characteristic shape and color of an extraterrestrial craft. A thorough observation of the recording reveals that the object maintains a cautious distance while observing astronauts during a spacewalk. This behavior implies a possible intention of observation or even assistance in case of emergencies.

The author hypothesizes that these extraterrestrial entities are not attempting to conceal themselves, yet avoiding causing fear among the astronauts. He suggests that they might be present not only to observe but also to lend a hand in critical situations. In the scenario where a spacewalk goes awry, these entities could intervene to prevent any fatal incidents before the astronaut returns to the space station.

Légende - Photo
Scott C. Waring, Copyright, https://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2022/04/ufo-near-space-station-during-space.html
Mysterious light phenomenon spotted over Haverhill, MA

Mysterious light phenomenon spotted over Haverhill, MA

On December 2, 2023, at approximately 5:30 PM local time, a celestial event unfolded in the skies above Haverhill, Massachusetts, captivating the attention of four witnesses. The incident, reported on December 7, 2023, at 3:13:26 PM Pacific time, has sparked interest and speculation in the community, raising questions about the nature of the unexplained lights observed.

The eyewitnesses, two adults and two children, recounted a series of sightings lasting around an hour, during which they observed multiple points or orbs of light in the night sky. Despite some ambient urban lighting, the majority of the sky was characterized by clear darkness, providing optimal conditions for skywatching.

Describing the lights as similar in size and intensity, the witnesses noted the difficulty in determining their exact distance. The lights, resembling orbs, exhibited a mix of white, red, and green colors. Unlike common phenomena such as meteor showers or the Starlink satellite constellation, these lights did not follow expected patterns.

An intriguing aspect of the observation was the apparent movement of some lights across the sky laterally, suggesting a trajectory unlike that of a meteor but possibly reminiscent of a drone. Equally perplexing was the sight of certain lights remaining stationary, concealed behind a large tree in the night sky.

While the lights did not exhibit any discernible blinking, the observers reported a subtle twinkling effect through the atmosphere. Notably, the witnesses, who have previously identified common celestial occurrences such as Starlink satellites, the International Space Station (ISS), meteor showers, and individual drones, emphasized the distinctiveness of this particular event.

Légende - Photo
M2545, Public domain, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haverhill,_Massachusetts#/media/File:City_hall_Haverhill_Massachusetts_postcard.jpg


UFO filmed at Mori Point in 2023

UFO filmed at Mori Point in 2023

A mysterious luminous object was captured by a webcam on September 6, 2022, around 7:50 PM at Mori Point in the state of California. This white UFO continuously disappeared and reappeared. Its movements were abnormal, suggesting that it might have been a craft of extraterrestrial origin...

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UFOlogist Claims Extraterrestrials Harvesting Sun's Energy

UFOlogist Claims Extraterrestrials Harvesting Sun's Energy

Renowned UFOlogist Scott C. Waring has recently shared a fascinating discovery that could alter our perception of extraterrestrial activity near the sun. Based on images captured by the Helioviewer website on April 19, 2022, Waring claims to have spotted a massive spherical object absorbing energy from our star.

This observation is not entirely new, as a similar phenomenon was allegedly spotted several years ago. However, according to Waring, the object is back and seems to be returning to replenish its solar energy. What makes this discovery particularly intriguing is the extremely dark and black color of the object, making it nearly invisible. Nevertheless, the glow from the solar plasma is said to illuminate the object enough to reveal its presence.

According to Waring's claims, this would constitute 100% proof that extraterrestrials are utilizing the sun for their private purposes, suggesting that our star is being exploited and abused to meet unknown needs of these interstellar visitors. The implications of this discovery could be alarming, as an object of this magnitude could potentially trigger a solar explosion, endangering life on Earth by wiping out air and water.

Légende - Photo
Scott C. Waring, Copyright, https://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2022/04/ufo-spotted-in-hays-county-austin-texas.html
France - A UFO and a crop circle in Saint-Saëns in 1979

France - A UFO and a crop circle in Saint-Saëns in 1979

During the fall of 1979, several residents of the town of Saint-Saëns in northwestern France witnessed an UFO with exceptional characteristics...

On the day in question, a woman, whose identity has not been revealed, was at home. Through the window, she saw a huge red ball hovering above a field not far away. The unidentified object was flattened on top. The witness specified that it was completely silent. The light it emitted was very powerful without being dazzling.

A neighbor would testify to having witnessed this phenomenon, thus corroborating the statements of the main witness. But that's not all. The owner of the field would claim that what he had sown was flattened. This circular crop circle thus constitutes the only physical evidence of the passage of this UFO.

UFOs, like this one, remain impossible to explain. It is known that governments worldwide are more or less secretly interested in these phenomena. Unfortunately, the results of these investigations are often opaque...

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Roussel jean marie, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Sa%C3%ABns_(Seine-Maritime)#/media/Fichier:Saint_Saens.jpg
Book - Poltergeist

Book - Poltergeist


"Poltergeist" by Colin Wilson delves into the eerie and perplexing world of destructive hauntings characterized by banging noises, disembodied voices, and inanimate objects mysteriously propelled through the air. As an esteemed authority on the paranormal, Wilson meticulously examines the evidence surrounding the poltergeist phenomenon and crafts a definitive theory.

The book explores countless real-life cases of poltergeist infestations, dating back to ancient Greece. Wilson seeks to unravel the mystery behind poltergeists—what they are, their origins, and the reasons for their manifestation in our world. From the haunting account of a formidable black-robed monk terrorizing a family for years to the investigation of a talking mongoose, the narrative unfolds with true stories featuring gnomes, dracu, and demons.

"Poltergeist" serves as a captivating guide, offering readers an enthralling journey through a gallery of malevolent and noisy entities that have been documented throughout history. Wilson's exploration sheds light on the enigmatic nature of poltergeists, contributing to a deeper understanding of these unsettling phenomena.


Author : Colin Wilson
ISBN 10 : 073871867X
ISBN 13 : 9780738718675
Numbers of pages : 384
Publisher : Llewellyn
Publication date : September 8, 2009

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Several pyramidal UFOs in Neufchâtel in 1994

Several pyramidal UFOs in Neufchâtel in 1994

In the early summer of 1994, the town of Neufchâtel in Normandy was the scene of a paranormal phenomenon that remains unexplained to this day. On June 27, a motorist witnessed several pyramidal UFOs moving at high speed in the sky...

On that day, late in the morning, a motorist had to go to a hypermarket at 11 o'clock for a professional appointment. It was at this moment that this 51-year-old salesperson noticed the presence of two pyramidal forms that were less than a kilometer in altitude, he estimated. He specifies:

"The first form was pyramidal but tilted to the side. The second form was tapered and had fins."

These two astonishing objects emitted no light and were stationary. A third one appeared shortly after. This one flew over his vehicle for long and endless minutes, following him until the UFO accelerated and disappeared suddenly.

The man, completely bewildered and aware that he had witnessed an extraordinary phenomenon, decided to go to the police station to report his experience.

This case remains unexplained. The witness, whose word has not been doubted, neither filmed nor took photos of these UFOs. Furthermore, no other testimonies have been recorded to support the claims of this man.

What do you think about this observation?

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Foom73, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neufch%C3%A2tel-en-Bray#/media/Fichier:Avenue_verte_Paris_Londres_-_Ancienne_gare_de_Neufch%C3%A2tel-en-Bray.jpg
A motorist observes a triangular UFO in Payson

A motorist observes a triangular UFO in Payson

A recent UFO sighting reported on the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) website has sparked intrigue and speculation among enthusiasts and skeptics alike. Dated December 5, 2023, at 5:55 PM local time, the witness describes an unusual triangular-shaped craft witnessed near the RX wildfire in Payson, Arizona, just before mile marker 273.

The lone observer, driving on AZ-260 towards Holbrook, reported seeing a triangular craft hovering amidst the smoke near the RX wildfire. Lights were visible on the object before the turnoff to the 260 Trailhead. The witness was struck by the absence of any discernible noise, ruling out traditional sources such as propellers, jet engines, or helicopter blades. Despite the proximity, the craft remained stationary during the less-than-five-minute encounter. An attempt to capture the mysterious object on camera during a return drive proved futile, as it had vanished by then.

The reported UFO displayed distinct characteristics, including lights on the object, an aura or haze surrounding it, and beams being emitted. Such detailed observations add complexity to the sighting and raise questions about the nature of the unidentified craft.

The witness, eager to gather evidence, returned to the location later, only to find the UFO had vanished without a trace.

The witness reported hearing a propeller-driven plane at 6:10 PM on the same day but remains uncertain about any connection to the UFO sighting.

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Marine 69-71, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payson,_Arizona#/media/File:Payson-(A)_Main_Street_Payson.jpg


Former British astronaut says aliens exist!

Former British astronaut says aliens exist!

Helen Sharman, the first British woman to explore space over thirty years ago, now 58, shares insights into the possibility of extraterrestrial life on our planet. In an interview with the British media outlet The Guardian at the beginning of 2020, she candidly expresses her convictions.

The former astronaut, who spent several days at the heart of the Soviet space station Mir in 1991, asserts confidently, "Extraterrestrials exist, there is no doubt about that." Her unique experience in space, surrounded by billions of stars, has shaped her belief that the diversity of life forms in the universe extends beyond our current understanding.

Helen Sharman goes further by raising questions about the nature of these potential extraterrestrial life forms. "There are so many billions of stars in the universe that there must be all sorts of different life forms. Will they be like you and me, composed of carbon and nitrogen? Maybe not".

The former astronaut proposes a bold idea: "It is possible that they are here right now, and we simply cannot see them." This theory raises questions about the potential coexistence of extraterrestrial life forms on Earth, invisible to our human senses.

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Chemical Engineer, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Sharman#/media/File:Sheffield_Legends_Helen_Sharman.jpg
Book - Satanism

Book - Satanism


Bob Larson's book, "Satanism: The Seduction of America's Youth," delves into the various influences leading American youth towards a perilous pact with Satan. Larson identifies these forces as ranging from macabre games and horror films to black metal music and the pervasive presence of drugs. Moreover, he highlights the occult enticements embedded in contemporary culture that contribute to this seduction.

Larson provides specific insights for parents and counselors, offering practical strategies to counteract these influential forces in the lives of teenagers. By addressing the multifaceted aspects of youth culture, including entertainment choices and societal trends, Larson aims to empower those responsible for guiding and protecting young individuals. The book serves as a call to action, urging proactive measures to safeguard the vulnerable youth from the allure of satanic influences.


Author : Bob Larson
ISBN 10 : 0840730349
ISBN 13 : 9780840730343
Numbers of pages : 232
Publisher : Thomas Nelson
Publication date : September 26, 1989

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