
Strange spherical UFO flew over Ethiopia

On the evening of December 17, 2024, a strange and fascinating event disrupted the tranquility of the small town of Holeta, located in the Oromia region of Ethiopia. Around 7:30 PM, a lone witness reported an observation as brief as it was intense of an unidentified flying object (UFO).

According to the testimony submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), the observer described a spherical object, roughly the size of a car, displaying a brilliant blue color reminiscent of a shining diamond. The sighting lasted between three and five seconds, but the vividness of the experience seems to have deeply marked the witness.

"Everything was dark, and the city's lights were out before this incident. In this darkness, a bright light appeared. I thought it was a plane crash, but when I stepped outside, I saw this gleaming blue diamond in the sky."

The witness recounted seeing two spherical objects: one appeared stationary while the other moved at a dizzying speed, disappearing almost instantly. The speed of the object, described as "the speed of light," added an almost supernatural dimension to the event.

Notable reported characteristics included an intense glow surrounding the object, pronounced luminous effects, and possibly electromagnetic disturbances. The witness even mentioned, albeit uncertainly, the possibility of an abduction or more direct interaction with the phenomenon.

This incident raises questions about the exact nature of these objects. Was it an exceptional atmospheric phenomenon, advanced human technology, or something more enigmatic? Local authorities have so far provided no official explanation.

Légende - Photo
David_Peterson, Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/photos/flag-banner-nation-emblem-country-2526363/
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