On the evening of December 21, 2024, a strange phenomenon was observed over the frozen surface of Paint Lake, located in Manitoba, Canada. Three witnesses, present in a vehicle parked near the lake, reported seeing an unidentified flying object hovering approximately 100 to 150 feet above the icy surface.
According to the report submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), the object was rectangular in shape, black or dark gray in color, and estimated to be about the size of a medium airplane. The sighting lasted between 20 and 30 seconds before the object abruptly disappeared. "It was difficult to make out with the naked eye, except under the moonlight. Our eyes seemed to lose focus on it as it faded away," stated the primary witness.
An Almost Complete Silence... Except for a Strange Hum
The object displayed no visible lights or signals. No typical helicopter or engine noise was detected, except for a faint humming sound that was noticeable when the vehicle window was slightly open. This sound vanished at the same time the object disappeared.
Unanswered Questions
The three observers immediately checked their dashcam recordings, but poor image quality prevented capturing the object. The witness also emphasized the absence of artificial structures in the area that could explain such an apparition. There was no fog, no light reflections, and no unusual atmospheric conditions present that night.
Another Entry for the NUFORC Archives
Though brief, the incident joins a long list of similar sightings reported in Canada, a country often cited for its numerous UFO encounters. NUFORC will continue to examine this testimony while encouraging other potential witnesses to come forward.
rcascoherrera, Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/fr/illustrations/navire-enlev%C3%A9-ufo-le-noir-triangle-8873975/