
V-Shaped UFO Sighted in Nacogdoches, Texas

On August 31, 2024, a resident of Nacogdoches, Texas, reported an intriguing sighting of a V-shaped unidentified flying object (UFO) on the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) website. According to the witness, this event occurred at 11:45 PM while she and her husband were returning home.

While unloading their vehicle outside their house, the witness felt something unusual. She described feeling a strange energy before even seeing the object. When she looked up, she saw a massive, V-shaped object gliding silently through the sky at an estimated speed of 10 mph (about 16 km/h). The object was approximately as wide as a school bus (between 40-50 feet or 12-15 meters) and flew very low, just above the treetops.

The witness mentioned that the object appeared to be a dark color but couldn't pinpoint an exact shade. It seemed to blend into the grayish night sky, but what really caught her attention was how it blocked out the stars. This detail, especially given how bright the stars were that night, made the object stand out even more.

Shocked, she turned to her husband to ask if he could see the object as well. Despite being a skeptic of such phenomena, her husband admitted that he had also seen it, visibly shaken. He immediately urged them to go inside, clearly disturbed by the experience. The witness, however, stayed outside for a few more minutes, watching the sky in the hope of seeing the object again, but it had already disappeared behind the trees, about a quarter mile (roughly 400 meters) away.

The witness shared that she has always believed in the supernatural, and this experience only strengthened that belief. What made the moment particularly significant for her was that even her skeptical husband acknowledged seeing the object, which she felt validated her experience. She expressed excitement at having witnessed such a rare event, stating that she would never lie about it, as she wholeheartedly believes there is "something" or "others" out there in the universe.

Légende - Photo
Michael Barera, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nacogdoches,_Texas#/media/File:Nacogdoches_August_2017_03_(Nacogdoches_City_Hall).jpg
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