
Military man observes multiple UFOs over Los Angeles

On June 21, 2024, at approximately 9:15 PM, a witness in Los Angeles reported a disturbing observation to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC). The incident, which lasted only 7 to 10 seconds, left the witness puzzled by an unexplained aerial phenomenon.

According to the report, six triangular objects were spotted flying in a very tight formation over the city. These objects, described as slightly smaller than a Cessna 206, were moving from east to west at a relatively low altitude. The witness estimated that the objects were flying at about 150 knots and were approximately 1200 feet away.

The formation was particularly remarkable for its precision, with the objects only about one-fifth of their wingspan apart from each other. Their appearance was described as white-grayish, with no visible light source. However, the witness noted that the objects seemed to reflect light intermittently, a phenomenon that could not be attributed to ambient lighting.

A particularly intriguing aspect of this sighting is the complete absence of noise. The witness, familiar with the sounds of aircraft and drones due to the proximity of Santa Monica Airport, emphasized that at this altitude, any conventional aircraft would have been clearly audible.

The formation remained stable throughout the duration of the observation, with no relative movement between the objects or in relation to the horizon. The witness also noted that the entire formation seemed to be in a bank, although it was difficult to be certain from their vantage point.

The event ended as mysteriously as it had begun. The objects disappeared in less than a second, blending into the background as if they had evaporated into the mist. The witness specified that the sky was clear that evening, making this disappearance all the more enigmatic.

Légende - Photo
Cristiano Tomás, Public domain, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles#/media/File:Los_Angeles_City_Hall_2013_(cropped).jpg
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