
Book - The Rise of the Fourth Reich


In "The Rise of the Fourth Reich," Jim Marrs challenges conventional historical narratives and exposes a startling reality about American power. The book suggests that an ideology once believed to be defeated after World War II is now thriving in the United States.

Marrs delves into the disturbing possibility that, at the end of World War II, high-ranking Nazis and their fervent protégés managed to escape with Europe's loot and establish corporate front companies across various countries, infiltrating corporate America. These Nazis brought with them advanced weapons technology that contributed to winning the space race, but they also imported their authoritarian philosophy that the ends justify the means, including waging unprovoked wars and restricting individual freedoms. This ideology has, according to Marrs, taken a firm hold in the "land of the free."

The author presents compelling evidence of a concerted effort over the past sixty years to introduce a form of National Socialism into modern America, effectively creating a new empire, or what Marrs terms the "Fourth Reich." He urges readers to question accepted historical accounts, distrust corporate mass media, and be wary of governmental narratives.

"The Rise of the Fourth Reich" is an explosive exposé that reexamines the past and its influence on present-day America, shedding light on the potential rise of an insidious ideology within the very fabric of the nation.

Author : Jim Marrs
ISBN 10 : 0061245593
ISBN 13 : 9780061245596
Numbers of pages : 448
Publisher : HarperCollins
Publication date : September 23, 2009

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