
10 Miraculous Healings Recognized by the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church has long been a vigilant witness to miraculous healings—extraordinary events that defy scientific explanation and appear to be acts of divine intervention. Officially recognizing a miracle is a rigorous process, involving thorough medical investigations and spiritual verification. Here are ten of the most remarkable miraculous healings recognized by the Church.

1. Thérèse Neumann (1898-1962) - Germany

Thérèse Neumann, a German mystic, was healed of several severe ailments, including paralysis and blindness, after invoking Thérèse of Lisieux. Her healing, which occurred in 1923, was widely acknowledged by the Church, although she was never canonized. Thérèse also bore the stigmata, a phenomenon associated with Christ’s Passion.

2. Marthe Robin (1902-1981) - France

Marthe Robin, the founder of the Foyers de Charité, spent most of her life bedridden due to a mysterious illness. In 1928, she was healed from total paralysis after a vision of the Virgin Mary. She then lived over 50 years without eating or drinking, sustained solely by the Eucharist. While her healings have not been formally declared miracles by the Church, they are widely respected and venerated.

3. Marie-Bernard Soubirous (St. Bernadette) (1844-1879) - France

St. Bernadette of Lourdes is best known for her Marian apparitions, but she was also miraculously healed of a rare bone disease, osteomyelitis. After her visions of the Virgin Mary at the Lourdes grotto, thousands of healings were reported, and Bernadette herself was canonized, although her own healing was not the basis for her sainthood.

4. Louis Martin (1823-1894) and Zélie Martin (1831-1877) - France

The parents of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Louis and Zélie Martin, both experienced miraculous healings. Zélie was healed of a breast tumor after praying for divine intervention, while Louis survived multiple strokes and gangrene without any medical explanation. These events contributed to their canonization in 2015.

5. Marie Simon-Pierre Normand (1961-) - France

In 2005, Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, a French nun, was miraculously healed of Parkinson’s disease after praying for the intercession of Pope John Paul II, who had died just months earlier. Her healing played a crucial role in the swift canonization of John Paul II in 2014.

6. Luigi Rocchi (1932-1979) - Italy

Luigi Rocchi, an Italian layman suffering from paraplegia, experienced a miraculous healing after a papal blessing from John XXIII. Although he eventually succumbed to his illness, his temporary healing was recognized by the Church and contributed to his reputation for holiness.

7. Anna Katharina Emmerick (1774-1824) - Germany

German mystic and stigmatic Anna Katharina Emmerick was healed from several mysterious ailments on multiple occasions, often following visions of Christ or the Virgin Mary. She is known for her mystical revelations, which have deeply influenced many believers, and she was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2004.

8. Catherine Labouré (1806-1876) - France

St. Catherine Labouré, a nun from Paris’s Rue du Bac, received visions of the Virgin Mary, leading to the creation of the Miraculous Medal. After these apparitions, Catherine was healed of severe tuberculosis, a healing attributed to divine intervention.

9. St. Mary Frances of the Five Wounds (1715-1791) - Italy

St. Mary Frances of the Five Wounds, a Neapolitan mystic, suffered from severe illnesses throughout her life but was also miraculously healed multiple times. Her deep faith and the stigmata she bore earned her veneration, and she was canonized in 1867.

10. Benoîte Rencurel (1647-1718) - France

Benoîte Rencurel, a humble French shepherdess, experienced Marian apparitions and was miraculously healed from several serious illnesses after praying to the Virgin Mary. Although she has not yet been canonized, her shrine at Notre-Dame du Laus is a pilgrimage site for many, and her miraculous healings continue to inspire faith.


Miraculous healings are events that transcend human understanding and bolster the faith of believers. These stories are not just testimonies of divine power but also calls to conversion and trust in God’s mercy. Through its careful discernment and canonization process, the Catholic Church continues to recognize these miracles as authentic signs of God’s presence among us.

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