
Book - UFOs, Aliens and the Battle for Truth


"UFOs, Aliens and the Battle for Truth: A Short History of UFOlogy" by Neil Nixon is a straightforward and informative guide that delves into one of humanity's most enduring mysteries. The book provides a concise overview of the strangest encounters with unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and carefully examines a range of explanations, from the straightforward to the truly bizarre.

With a balanced approach, the author explores the evidence that suggests we may be visited by extraterrestrial beings from another world. He highlights the strongest pieces of evidence and investigates their credibility. In addition, the book includes the best skeptical arguments that aim to provide rational explanations for these phenomena.

While offering insights into the world of UFOlogy, the book also sheds light on the human race itself. Through the lens of UFO encounters, it reveals aspects of human behavior, curiosity, and the quest for truth. The author's writing style is concise, balanced, and occasionally infused with humor, making it an engaging read.

"UFOs, Aliens and the Battle for Truth" is a valuable resource for those interested in UFOs, alien encounters, and the field of UFOlogy. It presents a short history of the subject, examines various perspectives, and encourages readers to ponder the mysteries surrounding our existence and potential contact with extraterrestrial life.

Author : Neil Nixon
ISBN 10 : 0857304313
ISBN 13 : 9780857304315
Numbers of pages : 192
Publisher : Oldcastle Books
Publication date : 01th October 2021

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