
Book - A Life with Ghosts


"A Life with Ghosts" is the debut book by Steve Gonsalves, a renowned paranormal investigator and star of the popular TV series Ghost Hunters. The book is a collection of his most meaningful experiences with the paranormal at some of his favorite haunted locations. Steve shares the compelling history of each location and recounts his terrifying encounters with disembodied voices, haunting EVPs, mysterious dark masses, and other unexplained phenomena. He also shares his beliefs and theories on the craft through heartwarming, hilarious, and profound stories, reflecting his fun-loving personality that has garnered him millions of fans. The book is filled with facts and anecdotes that add an extra level of insight, creating the perfect balance of spooky fun and unique information. "A Life with Ghosts" is a must-read for paranormal enthusiasts, history buffs, and horror fans alike.

Author : Steve Gonsalves, Michael Aloisi
ISBN 10 : 1668008327
ISBN 13 : 9781668008324
Numbers of pages : 336
Publisher : Simon & Schuster
Publication date : 22th August 2023

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