Manchester United is considering leaving Old Trafford, its iconic stadium, for a new state-of-the-art complex with a 100,000-seat capacity located nearby. However, this decision might not only be motivated by logistical or commercial reasons: according to a study conducted by Spin Genie, Old Trafford is reportedly the most haunted and UFO-visited football stadium in the UK.
With no fewer than 62 ghost sightings and 26 encounters with unidentified flying objects, Manchester United far surpasses other Premier League clubs in terms of paranormal activity. Behind the Manchester club, Manchester City, Everton, and Liverpool have also experienced some supernatural events, albeit to a much lesser extent. Meanwhile, the least haunted clubs in England are said to be West Ham, Brentford, and Fulham, which report almost no paranormal activity.
Although the presence of spirits and extraterrestrial visitors at Old Trafford has not directly impacted the team’s performance, it remains a fascinating topic of discussion among fans and football observers. Some claim that the stadium’s mystical aura has always been part of its charm, while others wonder if these phenomena might be a sign that Manchester United needs to begin a new chapter in its history.
Parrot of Doom, CC BY-SA 3.0,