
Mysterious UFO Sighting in Norman, Oklahoma

A resident of Norman, Oklahoma, has reported an unusual unidentified flying object (UFO) sighting in the sky above his backyard on June 26, 2024. According to a testimony posted on the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) website, the object was coffin-shaped, emitting red lightning and making eerie noises.

The witness, who wishes to remain anonymous, described the frightening experience, which occurred around 3:00 PM local time. As he relaxed on his porch swing after a long day, he heard a "god-awful metallic screech," prompting him to look up. There, he saw the object, "a dark, coffin-shaped craft moving effortlessly through the clouds," estimated to be about 240 yards long, roughly the size of two football fields.

The object was traveling at an estimated speed of 50 to 60 mph (around 80 to 100 km/h) and appeared to be a few hundred feet in the air, slightly south of the observer. The witness also noted electrical or magnetic effects, claiming his cell phone was completely dead in the object's vicinity. The phenomenon lasted for about 30 seconds, during which the object emitted red lightning and a deep rumbling sound before disappearing behind the clouds.

Despite his attempts to alert others, the witness was unable to find anyone awake or interested in corroborating the sighting. "Everyone was asleep and didn't care," he added. He discovered the NUFORC website about a week later and decided to share his experience, hoping others might have witnessed the same event.

Légende - Photo
Wienerwurst, CC0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman,_Oklahoma#/media/File:Norman_Municipal_Complex.jpg
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