
Mystery surrounding a cylindrical UFO seen in Delhi

An odd celestial phenomenon was witnessed last week at a vendor fair on a ranch in Delhi, California. A witness claims to have seen a gray-black cylindrical object hovering motionless in the sky before suddenly disappearing.

It was around 6:30 PM on Friday evening that the rather peculiar scene unfolded. A family visiting the vendor fair was surprised to spot an unidentified flying object suspended in the air at about a 45-degree angle of elevation.

"At first I thought it was a bird of prey like an eagle or a hawk, but I quickly realized it was completely stationary, and way too big to be a bird," the observer testified.

Intrigued, he initially thought it could be a possible drone before realizing the craft did not have the characteristic shape. After staring at the object for a few seconds, it then evaporated into the air in an unexplained way.

"It just disappeared suddenly, as if it had vanished into thin air. Its disappearance reminded me of the way Frodo disappeared in The Lord of the Rings when he put on the One Ring," the stunned witness described.

Local air authorities reported no air traffic or meteorological activity that could explain this phenomenon. The extraterrestrial hypothesis therefore cannot be completely ruled out at this stage.

Légende - Photo
rcascoherrera, Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/illustrations/ai-generated-ufo-alien-spacecraft-8686714/
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