
8th September 1888 - Annie Chapman, Second Victim of Jack the Ripper

On September 8, 1888, the body of Annie Chapman, a 47-year-old prostitute, was discovered in the back yard of 29 Hanbury Street in the Whitechapel district of London. The victim had been brutally murdered and mutilated. Her throat had been slashed to the spine and her abdomen had been opened, with her uterus and vagina removed.

Biography of Annie Chapman

Annie Chapman was born in Epworth, Lincolnshire, England, in 1841. She married John Chapman in 1869 and gave birth to two children, Harry and John. The couple divorced in 1875 and Annie was left alone with her children. She began to prostitute herself to make ends meet.

The Facts

The body of Annie Chapman was discovered by a 14-year-old boy, John Davis, around 6:00 a.m. The corpse was lying on its back, with its legs spread. The throat had been slashed from ear to ear and the abdomen had been opened, with the uterus and vagina removed. The heart was not found.

The mutilations were of extreme violence. The victim's abdomen had been opened in a single cut, from the pubic region to the chest. The internal organs had been removed and scattered around the body. The uterus had been taken by the murderer.

The investigation was assigned to the Metropolitan Police of London. The investigators gathered numerous testimonies, but they were unable to identify the murderer.

The Identity of Jack the Ripper

The identity of Jack the Ripper, the murderer of Annie Chapman and the four other victims, remains a mystery. Many theories have been put forward, but none have been definitively established.

Among the most plausible suspects are Montague John Druitt, a doctor who committed suicide shortly after the murders, and Aaron Kosminski, a Polish immigrant who was committed to a psychiatric asylum.


The murder of Annie Chapman is a horrible crime that has marked the history of London. The identity of the murderer remains a mystery, but the Jack the Ripper case continues to fascinate people of all ages.

Historical and Scientific Analysis

The murder of Annie Chapman is an important event in the history of London. It marked the beginning of a series of murders of prostitutes, which terrorized the city for several months.

The Jack the Ripper case also had a significant impact on British society. It contributed to the rise of collective hysteria and discrimination against immigrants.

From a scientific point of view, the murder of Annie Chapman is an interesting case. The mutilations are of extreme violence and suggest that the murderer was a mentally disturbed individual.

The investigation into the murder of Annie Chapman was conducted in a scientific manner. The investigators gathered numerous testimonies and performed meticulous autopsies. However, they were unable to identify the murderer.

The identity of Jack the Ripper remains a mystery, but the case continues to intrigue historians and criminologists.

Additional Notes

The murder of Annie Chapman was the second in a series of five murders of prostitutes in the Whitechapel district of London. The other victims were Mary Ann Nichols, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly.

The murders were attributed to a single individual, known as Jack the Ripper. The identity of Jack the Ripper has never been definitively established, but many suspects have been proposed.

The murders of Jack the Ripper caused widespread fear and panic in London. The case remains a mystery to this day, and it continues to fascinate people all over the world.

Légende - Photo
Centpacrr, Public domain, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_l%27%C3%89ventreur#/media/Fichier:Boris_Dolgov_Yours_Truly_Jack_the_Ripper_Robert_Bloch_Weird_Tales_July_1943.png
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