


"UFO Contacts in Brazil" by Thiago Ticchetti is an in-depth examination of the history of UFO sightings and encounters in Brazil. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the most significant cases of UFO sightings in Brazil, including detailed interviews with witnesses, investigators, and researchers.

Ticchetti discusses how Brazil has become a hotspot for UFO activity and explores the possible reasons for this. He also delves into the various government agencies and military branches in Brazil that have investigated the phenomenon, revealing previously undisclosed documents and testimonies.

The book provides an analysis of the cultural and social impact of the UFO phenomenon in Brazil and how it has affected the country's perception of science, religion, and spirituality. Ticchetti also explores the possible connection between the UFO phenomenon and ancient indigenous cultures in Brazil.

The author's extensive research and interviews with witnesses and investigators provide a compelling and detailed account of the UFO phenomenon in Brazil. "UFO Contacts in Brazil" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the subject of UFOs and the wider implications of their existence.

Author : Thiago Luiz Ticchetti
ISBN 10 : 1796291986
ISBN 13 : 9781796291988
Numbers of pages : 580
Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Publication date : 24th April 2019

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