This UFO was discovered on Google Street View
in Virac, capital of the province of Catanduanes in the

The Truth Is Out There
This UFO was discovered on Google Street View
in Virac, capital of the province of Catanduanes in the
By viewing the images broadcast by Helioviewer, a ufologist discovered a UFO capable of incredible movements...
Helioviewer is a service jointly developed by NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). It allows you to view images of the Sun taken by various scientific instruments such as SOHO or Yohkoh (Japanese space observatory). It was in these images that Scott C. Waring discovered the presence of an unidentified flying object making a 90 degree turn! How is it possible ?
He explains:
“This may appear as nothing to most people, but to me, it's 100% proof that UFOs exist near our sun. You see, nothing made in nature could make a hard right turn in space, and yet, we see that here. Clearly there is only a single explanation for it...that it's an intelligently controlled spacecraft. Thats why I recorded it and posted it here. Its undeniable proof that intelligent space faring aliens exist in our solar system. And that is important to know.”
This UFO was photographed on September 19, 2006 at 11 a.m. (CDT) by astronaut Daniel Burbank while he was aboard the shuttle Atlantis (mission STS-115).
On November 17, 2021, ufologist Scott C. Waring found an ancient statue head on a picture caught by NASA on Mars (Sol 1087).
Scott C. Waring explains on his blog:
“Now maybe finding a head of a statue is not significant to NASA since they over look so many archeological discoveries daily on Mars, but to me its significant. The face is not only the face of an intelligent species that once lived on Mars, but also the face of a child about 10-14 years of age. The curly hair, chubby cheeks and chin really stand out, not to mention the eyes, nose, mouth and forehead. The hair...the hair seems to be in a bun on the top, so it has a high probability of being a female. The statue head is looking out from the small hill and its facing outward on purpose...its where it was placed, so that it can look out to the horizon...I'm guessing its probably aimed at the setting sun. Also the face itself is very small, about 3 inches across, or 6-7cm. That means the probability of this species being 30 cm or 1 foot tall is very likely.
Here on Earth there are many short people, a few that are only 20-28 inches tall, 1.5-2 feet tall. And those people had a normal intelligence and you or I. So its safe to assume that a species once lived on Mars and was only 20-30 cm tall. Clearly they had a high intelligence...just look at that incredible detail of the face they made. It was probably made to be a head stone...for a grave...a final goodbye to a loved one lost. I really wonder how may archeological artifacts are passed by the NASA rover every year? Hundreds...thousands...too many to even believe possible, and yet...the rover passes by as if the discoveries don't even exist. Ask yourself why? Because, the rover is not there to inform the public, but instead to appease and drop feed the public boring scientific info the control the publics curiosity.”