
Liberland: A Self-Proclaimed State in the Heart of Europe

Liberland: A Self-Proclaimed State in the Heart of Europe

Liberland, officially called the Free Republic of Liberland, is a self-declared micronation situated on a small strip of land between Croatia and Serbia along the western bank of the Danube River. Since its declaration of independence in April 2015, Liberland has become a fascinating subject for those interested in international law, anarcho-capitalism, and political experiments.

1. Origin and Foundation of Liberland

Liberland was founded on April 13, 2015, by Vít Jedlička, a Czech politician, economist, and member of the Free Citizens' Party (Strana Svobodných Občanů), a libertarian political party in the Czech Republic. Jedlička’s idea for Liberland stemmed from a desire to create a nation that upheld libertarian principles, including individual freedom, private property rights, and a minimal state. He and his supporters identified an unclaimed 7 km² area on the western bank of the Danube, known as Gornja Siga, where they declared the independence of this new state.

Jedlička chose the symbolic date, which coincides with the birthday of Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States and a staunch advocate of individual liberties. Liberland was envisioned as a haven for people seeking to live in a country where the government interferes as little as possible in their personal affairs.

2. Territory and Legal Status

The territory claimed by Liberland lies between Croatia and Serbia, along the Danube River. This region has a complicated history, related to the breakup of Yugoslavia. Due to unresolved border disputes between Croatia and Serbia, this strip of land had not been formally claimed by either country, allowing Jedlička to assert that it was terra nullius (land belonging to no one).

However, neither Croatia nor Serbia has recognized Liberland as a sovereign state. In fact, Croatia has actively prevented attempts by Liberland citizens to physically settle on the territory, making several arrests of people trying to cross the border to inhabit this new country. As of today, Liberland’s legal status remains ambiguous, as it is not recognized by any United Nations member states.

3. Political and Economic System

Liberland describes itself as a libertarian state, founded on principles of limited government and maximum personal freedom for its citizens. The constitution of Liberland is simple, ensuring a framework where individuals can thrive without excessive state interference. The core ideal is to let people live as they wish, as long as their actions do not harm others.

Economically, Liberland aims to be a hub for innovation, especially in the fields of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. The government of Liberland has announced plans to use digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum as official currencies, and to decentralize most governmental services, using blockchain technology to ensure transparency and efficiency.

Citizens of Liberland are encouraged to actively participate in the nation’s economy by investing in local projects or creating businesses. The state itself imposes little to no taxes, relying primarily on voluntary donations and investments for funding.

4. Citizenship and Membership

Since its creation, Liberland has attracted the attention of thousands of individuals who wish to join this libertarian experiment. By 2024, more than 700,000 people had applied for Liberland citizenship. The criteria for becoming a citizen are based on libertarian values: applicants must respect the non-aggression principle, honor private property, and support a minimal government.

The process involves an online application, after which candidates are invited to contribute to building the nation either through investments or specific skills. Citizenship allows participation in official state activities and access to projects developed by the Liberland government.

5. International Recognition and Diplomatic Challenges

Despite its libertarian aspirations, Liberland faces significant challenges on the international stage. No UN member state has officially recognized Liberland as a sovereign country. Croatia has also blocked access to Liberland’s territory, preventing permanent occupation by its self-declared citizens.

In response, Jedlička and his supporters have launched a diplomatic campaign to gain international recognition. While some libertarian movements and private organizations have expressed support for Liberland, the lack of recognition from sovereign entities remains a major obstacle to its ambitions of becoming a legitimate player in international affairs.

6. Future Projects and Vision

Liberland continues to develop its vision for the future, with ambitious plans in areas like ecology, technology, and commerce. In addition to becoming a center for blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies, Liberland aims to serve as a model for other nations looking to experiment with alternative forms of governance.

There are ongoing plans to build sustainable infrastructure within Liberland, including eco-villages and tech hubs, although these projects remain theoretical as long as the Croatian government continues to block physical settlement on the territory.

7. Criticism and Controversies

Liberland has not escaped criticism. Some observers argue that the libertarian utopia is unrealistic in the long term due to the complexities of political and economic realities. Others point to the difficulties Liberland has faced in establishing a tangible presence on its own claimed territory.

Additionally, the idea of a libertarian nation with no taxes and minimal regulation raises concerns about how society would handle issues like justice, infrastructure, or citizen protection in the absence of a centralized government.


Liberland is a project that, despite its challenges, continues to captivate the imagination of thousands of people worldwide. Founded on libertarian principles and an ambitious vision of minimal governance, it represents a unique experiment in governance and citizenship. Although its international recognition remains a distant dream, the initiative highlights the growing interest in alternatives to traditional state models. The future of Liberland will depend largely on its ability to overcome diplomatic obstacles and turn its ideals into a tangible reality.

Légende - Photo
Infrish, Public domain, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberland#/media/File:Flag_of_Liberland.svg


Is the Tomb of Christ in Indian Kashmir?

Is the Tomb of Christ in Indian Kashmir?

The idea that the tomb of Jesus Christ might be located in India, specifically in Kashmir, is a controversial but fascinating theory. It has intrigued scholars, theologians, and explorers for centuries. While this notion seems surprising in light of traditional biblical accounts, it is rooted in a combination of local legends, alternative historical interpretations, and theological speculation.

In this article, we will delve deeply into this theory: where it originates, what arguments have been put forward, and to what extent it is taken seriously by historians and religious scholars.

1. Origins of the Theory

The idea that Jesus may have spent part of his life or his final years in India comes from several non-canonical and unconventional sources. One of the most notable proponents was the Russian mystic Nicolas Notovitch, who, in 1894, published a book titled The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ. Notovitch claimed to have discovered manuscripts in a Buddhist monastery in Ladakh, a region near Kashmir, describing Jesus’ journey to India during what are sometimes called the "lost years"—the period between Jesus’ childhood and the beginning of his public ministry.

Notovitch asserted that Jesus, under the name Issa, traveled to India to learn from Buddhist sages before returning to the Near East to preach his message. However, this theory was widely discredited by scholars and historians, particularly because Notovitch could never produce concrete evidence of these manuscripts.

Meanwhile, other speculations linking Jesus to India have been fueled by local legends in Kashmir. These legends suggest that a prophet named "Yuz Asaf" came to the region after his crucifixion. According to these accounts, he lived a long life in Kashmir and died there. The tomb of this figure is believed to be in Srinagar, at a site known as Roza Bal.

2. Roza Bal: The Contested Tomb

The site of Roza Bal, located in the Khanyar district of Srinagar, is at the center of this controversy. Roza Bal means "the tomb of the prophet" in Kashmiri. According to local beliefs and alternative historical interpretations, this tomb belongs to Yuz Asaf, a sage who some believe was actually Jesus Christ, having survived the crucifixion and found refuge in Kashmir.

Accounts from the 14th century mention a man named Yuz Asaf, who is revered as a prophet. He was said to have arrived in the region and preached a message of simplicity and piety. According to these sources, Yuz Asaf lived out his days in this mountainous region and was buried at Roza Bal. Over time, some believers have associated Yuz Asaf with Jesus, suggesting that Christ survived the crucifixion, traveled east, and lived under a different identity.

However, this identification is far from universally accepted. Many experts argue that there is no direct evidence linking Yuz Asaf to Jesus Christ. Local Muslim traditions maintain that Roza Bal is actually the tomb of a Muslim saint, not Jesus.

3. The Arguments in Favor

Proponents of this theory present several arguments to support the idea that Jesus traveled to India after the crucifixion and that his tomb is in Kashmir.

3.1. Linguistic and Historical Similarities

One argument often cited is the presence of linguistic and cultural similarities between some of the sayings attributed to Jesus in the Gospels and teachings found in Buddhism or Hinduism. Some argue that Jesus may have traveled east to learn from Eastern sages, particularly during his "lost years." The stories about Yuz Asaf share some similarities with aspects of Jesus’ life, particularly his message of love and peace.

3.2. The Survival of Jesus after the Crucifixion

Another argument, advanced by researchers like Holger Kersten in his book Jesus Lived in India, suggests that Jesus did not die on the cross but survived the crucifixion. According to this hypothesis, after recovering from his wounds, Jesus left the region of Palestine to escape Roman and Jewish authorities. He supposedly traveled east, eventually reaching India, where he lived to an old age.

4. Rebuttal by Christian Tradition and Historians

The theory that Jesus traveled to India and that his tomb is in Kashmir is not accepted by mainstream Christian churches or by most historians. According to the canonical Gospels, Jesus was resurrected on the third day after his crucifixion and ascended to heaven. This belief is central to Christian faith, as the resurrection is considered a key element of salvation.

Historians also point out that the sources on which these theories are based are extremely weak and often derived from apocryphal texts or local traditions that bear no direct connection to known historical facts. Furthermore, there is no serious archaeological evidence to support the idea of Jesus’ presence in Kashmir.

5. Conclusion: Between Myth and Mystery

The theory of Jesus’ tomb in Kashmir is intriguing and fuels popular imagination, but it remains highly speculative. While it offers an alternative narrative of Jesus' life, it faces the challenge of a lack of tangible evidence and the weight of established traditions, both Christian and historical. Roza Bal continues to attract visitors and curious minds, but as of now, it remains more of a legendary site than an established fact.

The mystery surrounding the tomb of Christ in Kashmir raises a larger question: How far can we go in exploring non-traditional narratives of religious history, and how do we distinguish truth from myth in stories as ancient and complex as these?

Légende - Photo
Cacahuate, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roza_Bal#/media/Fichier:Rozabal.JPG
Flying Saucer Sighted in Waterford, Connecticut

Flying Saucer Sighted in Waterford, Connecticut

On September 28, 2024, at 9:36 PM local time, an unidentified flying object (UFO) was spotted in Waterford, Connecticut, USA. The sighting was reported a few hours later, on September 29, at 5:54 AM Pacific time. Though the event lasted only 15 seconds, it left a strong impression on the sole witness.

Details of the Sighting

The UFO was observed above a pond and nearby shops in Waterford. It had a disk-like shape, metallic and silver in color, with an estimated size comparable to that of a car. The object appeared to be moving at an estimated speed of 75 miles per hour. A striking feature was the colorful lights rotating rapidly around the base of the craft, which immediately caught the witness's attention.

Behavior of the Object

According to the report, the UFO descended rapidly from the clouds, becoming low enough to be clearly visible. Interestingly, despite its proximity and speed, the object made no sound. After 5 to 10 seconds of observation, the UFO abruptly changed direction, ascending vertically at an incredible speed before vanishing into the clouds.

Analysis of the Event

The sighting occurred at an angle of 70 degrees from the observer, with an estimated closest distance of 300 feet (approximately 90 meters). The UFO's behavior, particularly its fast, silent ascent and disappearance, is both puzzling and remarkable.

The lack of sound, the disk shape, the speed, and the precise movement of the object are characteristics frequently associated with UFO sightings. The witness also described colorful lights on the bottom of the craft, a feature commonly reported in similar encounters.

Légende - Photo
KLOTZ, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterford,_Connecticut#/media/File:WALNUT_GROVE,_WATERFORD,_NEW_LONDON_COUNJTY.jpg


The CIA Murder that Exposed MK-ULTRA

Frank Olson was a scientist working for the CIA in the 1950s, specializing in biological warfare. His death in November 1953 remains one of the greatest mysteries in U.S. history. Officially, Olson fell from the 13th floor of the Statler Hotel in New York City, in what was ruled a suicide. However, later investigations revealed disturbing details that suggest he may have been murdered.

Shortly before his death, Olson had been subjected to secret CIA experiments, including the administration of LSD without his knowledge as part of the MK-Ultra project, a program focused on mind control. These events reportedly left Olson deeply troubled, and he expressed doubts about his work, allegedly considering resignation.

Conspiracy theories abound regarding his death. Some believe the CIA eliminated him out of fear that he might expose sensitive information about covert operations. In 1994, a new autopsy revealed head injuries inconsistent with a simple fall, further fueling suspicions of foul play.

Olson's family filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government, and while they received an apology and compensation, the full truth behind Frank Olson's death remains unresolved to this day.

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François Schlatter, "The Prophet of 100,000 Healings"

François Schlatter, "The Prophet of 100,000 Healings"

François Schlatter, often referred to as "The Prophet of 100,000 Healings," is a mysterious figure from the late 19th century whose life and actions left an enduring mark on American culture, particularly in the state of Colorado. His story is characterized by a deep spiritual quest, numerous accounts of miraculous healings, and a puzzling disappearance that has fueled legends about his life.

1. The Origins of François Schlatter

François Schlatter was born on April 29, 1856, in the small village of Ebersheim, in Alsace, France. He came from a modest background, growing up in a rural environment where Catholic faith played an important role. Little is known about his early years, except that he worked as a shoemaker, a humble trade that gave no indication of the extraordinary path his life would take.

In 1884, Schlatter emigrated to the United States, following many Alsatians who left Europe for economic and political reasons. Upon his arrival, he continued working as a shoemaker in several American towns, including Denver, Colorado. It was during this time that his life took a dramatic turn, marked by spiritual and mystical experiences.

2. The Spiritual Calling and Divine Mission

In 1893, Schlatter began to experience visions and felt a strong spiritual calling. According to his accounts, he heard the voice of God commanding him to heal the sick and preach the faith. Believing he must obey this divine call, Schlatter embarked on a pilgrimage on foot, traveling across several western U.S. states. For two years, he walked thousands of miles barefoot and dressed in a simple robe, living off the charity of strangers. He claimed this austerity was necessary to fulfill his mission and draw closer to God.

During this period, he quickly gained fame for his healing powers. People from across the country began flocking to see the man now known as "The Prophet." Schlatter was said to have healed hundreds, even thousands, of people suffering from various ailments, including paralysis, chronic illnesses, blindness, and more. He consistently refused any form of payment, stating that his gifts were given to him by God and that they should be used freely.

3. Miraculous Healings and Fame in Denver

In 1895, Schlatter arrived in Denver, Colorado, where he temporarily set up camp at the home of a man named Mr. Fox in Edgewater. It was here that Schlatter became a true sensation. Every day, thousands of people lined up to see him, hoping for miraculous healing. The local press widely covered his activities, and stories of spectacular cures spread throughout the country. Schlatter soon earned the nickname "The Prophet of 100,000 Healings," reflecting the sheer scale of his influence.

Contemporary accounts describe long lines of sick people waiting to be touched by Schlatter. His method was simple: he would hold the hands of the sick, pray silently, and tell them to go in peace. Many reported being healed immediately after this contact. Despite skepticism from the Catholic Church and local medical authorities, the stories of miraculous recoveries continued to draw large crowds.

4. Controversies and Criticism

Although venerated by his followers, Schlatter had his detractors. Some accused him of being a fraud or a charlatan. The Catholic Church, in particular, was wary of this man who healed without any ecclesiastical affiliation, despite his claims of deep Christian faith. Medical authorities were also skeptical, demanding more scientific proof of the alleged miracles.

Despite the criticisms, Schlatter remained steadfast in his faith and mission. He sought neither recognition nor wealth, continuing to preach simplicity and God's love.

5. The Mysterious Disappearance of Schlatter

In November 1895, at the height of his popularity in Denver, Schlatter suddenly disappeared without a trace. He left a simple note for his hosts, stating that he had fulfilled his mission and that God was calling him elsewhere. His sudden disappearance fueled numerous theories, with some believing he returned to a life of wandering, while others speculated he had been kidnapped or even murdered. In the years that followed, rumors circulated that Schlatter had been seen in various parts of the western U.S., but none were ever confirmed.

6. The Legacy of François Schlatter

The story of François Schlatter remains shrouded in mystery, and his true impact is still debated. What is certain is that his brief presence left an indelible mark on the collective imagination of late 19th-century America. His name is still mentioned in Colorado’s local legends, and some continue to believe that he truly possessed a divine gift.

Schlatter's legacy is also reflected in the countless stories of healing and faith shared by his followers and the people he encountered. Some writings from the period, including his own travel diary, attest to the depth of his faith and his mystical vision of the world.

Schlatter remains a fascinating example of how, at certain times, faith, spirituality, and mysticism could intertwine to produce social phenomena that were both spectacular and mysterious. His quest for healing and spirituality, his barefoot journeys across the United States, and his refusal of fame or fortune make him a figure who is both enigmatic and revered.

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Cesarth15, Public domain, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Schlatter#/media/File:Francis_Schlatter._%22Treating_in_the_rain%22.tif

Where will the Antichrist come from?

This video explores the concept of the Antichrist in relation to biblical prophecy and end-time events. It examines who the Antichrist might be, where he could come from, and his connection to the Beast and the False Prophet mentioned in the Bible. The video also discusses how the Antichrist is linked to the end-time Babylon from the Book of Revelation. Additionally, it questions whether Europe could be the modern-day Babel, with the European Parliament building symbolizing a new Tower of Babel, and why some euro coins feature the image of a woman riding the Beast.

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I died and asked Jesus about the end of the world during my NDE

The video tells the remarkable story of a 12-year-old's near-death experience, during which the child travels to heaven and meets Jesus. In this profound encounter, the child gains insights into the afterlife and the end times, witnessing the beauty of the New Jerusalem. However, the main message received is that living with love is far more important than knowing when the world will end. This inspiring journey offers hope and comfort, providing a glimpse into eternity that resonates with both believers and skeptics. It serves as a reminder to prioritize love and kindness in life.

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