
UFO Sighting in Pratt, Kansas, USA

UFO Sighting in Pratt, Kansas, USA

The sighting of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the vicinity of Pratt, Kansas, United States, on February 29, 2024, was reported on the website of the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC).

The witnesses, two military employees, reported observing a stationary object in the sky for at least 12 minutes. No noise was detected, and the object remained motionless until it finally began to move away slowly before swiftly disappearing towards the west in the night sky.


The described observation presents several intriguing characteristics. The triangular shape of the object, as well as its estimated size, indicate significant physical presence. Additionally, the duration of the observation, spanning 15 minutes, allowed the witnesses an extended view of the object.

The black color of the object, combined with its prolonged lack of movement and sound, evokes features often associated with UFO sightings. Furthermore, the suddenness with which the object departed the area, moving westward at high speed, is consistent with many previous reports of UFO sightings.


The sighting of a UFO in Pratt, Kansas, on February 29, 2024, raises fascinating questions about the nature of unidentified aerial phenomena. While the witnesses were unable to provide a definitive explanation for the observed object, their meticulous account provides valuable data for researchers and investigators studying unexplained aerial phenomena.

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Ichabod, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt,_Kansas#/media/File:Pratt_presbyterian_church_kansas_2009.jpg
Kolob: The Mysterious Planet of the Mormons

Kolob: The Mysterious Planet of the Mormons

Kolob is a central theological concept in the cosmology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly known as the Mormon Church). This term is mentioned in the church's canonical book, the Book of Abraham, as well as in other writings and teachings of its leaders. Kolob is often associated with ideas about creation, time, and eternity, and its significance is discussed and interpreted by members of the church.

Origin and References

The first mention of Kolob is found in the Book of Abraham, which is part of the Latter-day Saint canon. The Book of Abraham is a translation by Joseph Smith, the church's founder, of an ancient Egyptian text that he claimed to have received through divine revelation. In this text, Kolob is presented as a star or celestial body around which other worlds or stars revolve, and it is described as being near to God's throne.

In the Book of Abraham, Kolob is described as being "nearest unto the throne" of God, signifying that it is the greatest and most important of all the heavenly bodies created by God. Its proximity to God's throne makes it a symbol of divine power and governance over the universe.

Interpretations and Meanings

Latter-day Saints generally interpret Kolob as a symbol of cosmic order and the relationship between God and his creation. Some teachings of the church suggest that Kolob represents a place where time is measured differently from human perception, and that this has theological implications for the nature of eternity and divine existence.

In Mormon theology, the idea that God resides near Kolob is often interpreted as an affirmation of his sovereignty and closeness to his children on Earth. Kolob is sometimes depicted as a place where time has no effect on God, and where his power and authority are eternal and immutable.

Some members of the church also interpret Kolob as a symbol of spiritual progression and development. According to this interpretation, individuals aspire to attain a state similar to that of Kolob by progressing spiritually and drawing closer to God.

Reception and Criticisms

The notion of Kolob has elicited various reactions among members of the church and from outside observers. Some see Kolob as a powerful metaphor for the greatness and majesty of God, while others view it as an obscure and difficult-to-understand idea.

Critics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have often pointed to Mormon cosmology, including the concept of Kolob, as fantastical or scientifically implausible. However, members of the church generally see these criticisms as stemming from misunderstanding or lack of faith.


Kolob occupies an important place in the theology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a symbol of cosmic order, divine power, and the relationship between God and his creation. While its exact meaning may vary according to individual interpretations, Kolob continues to inspire reflection and discussion among members of the church and beyond

Légende - Photo
Remember the dot, Public domain, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolob#/media/File:Abraham_Facsimile_2.png

An Invisible Man Photographed on Google Maps?

An unusual photo was taken in May 2022 in Brooklyn, New York City, and published on Google Maps. Shared by Scott C. Waring on his blog, the image depicts an invisible silhouette seemingly defying conventional laws of physics and biology.

Scott C. Waring, known for his explorations in the realms of the unexplained and ufology, stumbled upon this particular image while browsing Google Maps. The location of the discovery is in Brooklyn, New York, United States.

The image in question portrays a humanoid figure apparently devoid of hands, feet, or a head. The figure appears to be in motion. It was photographed on a busy street in broad daylight. After a while, this mysterious silhouette transforms into a white bird.

Waring's commentary on the image invites speculation and raises questions about its nature. He highlights the seemingly impossible aspects of the image, such as the absence of crucial body parts and the sudden transformation into a bird. One interpretation suggested by a commentator proposes the involvement of a green screen, a technology commonly used in film and television production. However, the feasibility of using such equipment in a bustling urban environment like New York raises doubts about this theory.

Waring himself acknowledges the overwhelming evidence seemingly pointing to a paranormal or extraterrestrial explanation. He puts forward various hypotheses, including the possibility of digital manipulation by a talented artist, involvement of advanced hacking techniques, or even the presence of a magician capable of feats beyond human understanding.

The discovery of this anomalous image on Google Maps in Brooklyn, New York, speaks to the enduring allure of the unexplained and mysterious. While skeptics may attribute the image to mundane explanations or technological glitches, enthusiasts like Scott C. Waring continue to ponder the tantalizing possibility of encounters with the extraordinary. As discussions and investigations continue, the true nature of this enigmatic image remains shrouded in uncertainty...

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Scott C. Waring, Copyright, https://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2022/05/invisible-man-or-prankster-in-new-york.html



Ultra-Fast UFO Spotted in France

Ultra-Fast UFO Spotted in France

An aircraft tracking application spotted an incredible unidentified flying object. This UFO was flying over France at a dizzying speed estimated at 17,000 km/h! To date, there is no tangible explanation for this anomaly...

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UFO Sighting Report in Davenport, WA, USA

UFO Sighting Report in Davenport, WA, USA

On March 3, 2024, at 8:55 PM local time, in the town of Davenport, located in the state of Washington, USA, an enigmatic event was reported by two witnesses. This testimony was recorded and broadcasted on the website of the NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Center), a center for reporting sightings of unidentified flying objects.

The witnesses describe observing a triangular-shaped craft moving in an unusual and fast manner. As they walked out their back door to take the dog out, they noticed a craft with three white lights arranged in a triangle shape and a large orange/red light in the center, moving over the hills in every direction tightly and incredibly fast. The object then dove out of sight behind the hill. The witnesses specify that they are located on a hillside opposite to where the object was seen. They also note that their area is usually frequented by both commercial and military planes due to the proximity of the airport and Air Force base, but this event was unlike anything they had seen before. Although this is their first official report, they mention that it is not the first time they have observed a similar phenomenon in the area.


This event, though brief, presents intriguing and mysterious characteristics that raise questions about the nature of the observed object. Although the witnesses could not provide a precise estimation of the size and speed of the object, their detailed description of its unusual movements and distinctive lights suggests a phenomenon difficult to explain by conventional means. This incident remains open to interpretation and investigation, leaving room for curiosity and speculation about the possibility of encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena.

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Artix Kreiger 2, CC BY 2.0, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davenport,_Washington#/media/File:Grain_elevators,_Davenport_(36248378303).jpg
Similarities Between Attis and Jesus Christ

Similarities Between Attis and Jesus Christ

Attis and Jesus Christ are two important religious figures whose stories share striking similarities. Though their respective religions are distinct, the parallels between their narratives and symbolic meanings have fascinated scholars and theologians for centuries. This article explores the most notable resemblances between Attis and Jesus, highlighting the points of convergence and divergence within their traditions.

Nacimiento e Infancia

Tanto Atis como Jesús experimentan nacimientos milagrosos. Atis nace de una roca o un árbol, mientras que Jesús nace de una virgen por obra del Espíritu Santo. Ambas figuras son posteriormente vistas como encarnaciones de lo divino.

Muerte y Resurrección

Uno de los paralelismos más llamativos radica en las muertes y resurrecciones de Atis y Jesús. Atis muere castrado por un jabalí o un león, simbolizando la muerte de la vegetación en invierno. Luego resucita tres días después, representando la renovación primaveral. De manera similar, Jesús muere crucificado, y luego resucita al tercer día después de su muerte, significando la victoria sobre la muerte y el pecado.

Símbolos y Significados

Atis se asocia a menudo con el pino, un árbol de hoja perenne que simboliza la vida eterna. Jesús también está vinculado a los árboles, a menudo representado en una cruz de madera. Además, el león, símbolo de fuerza y resurrección, está asociado con Atis, mientras que el cordero, símbolo de pureza y sacrificio, está asociado con Jesús.

Mitos y Rituales

Los cultos de Atis y Jesús involucraban rituales y mitos similares. El sacrificio ritual de un toro era central en el culto de Atis, simbolizando la muerte y el renacimiento del dios. En el cristianismo, el sacrificio de Jesús en la cruz se considera el sacrificio máximo por la humanidad.

Diferencias y Divergencias

A pesar de las notables semejanzas, existen diferencias significativas entre Atis y Jesús. Atis era una deidad pagana relacionada con la naturaleza y los ciclos estacionales, mientras que Jesús es considerado el Hijo de Dios en la religión monoteísta del cristianismo. Además, los rituales del culto de Atis a menudo eran extáticos y orgiásticos, mientras que las prácticas cristianas enfatizan la oración, la meditación y la caridad.


Las similitudes entre Atis y Jesucristo destacan los temas universales de muerte y resurrección, sacrificio y renovación, presentes en muchas religiones. Si bien los contextos y los significados religiosos difieren, los paralelismos entre estas dos figuras continúan intrigando e inspirando a creyentes y eruditos a lo largo de los siglos.

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Pexels, Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/photos/angel-art-religion-religious-1841177/